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IF Y co.
Demanded for its gteater strength
---<nil airtight, climale-proof construction.
\ffhen it comes right down to selecting material for permanent wall linings, CompoBoard passes every test.
Thie tough, sturdy board is not injured in handling. It will not chip or crack. Pieces will not break off. It saws clean. with no frayed edges. This easily handled, 4-footwide board saves considerable time in building.
In the 6nal tests of long use, Compo-Board is unequalled. It resists the bangs and knocks of furniture. It keeps out the dampnesq and gives better protection against heat and cold than a plaster wall a foot thick. Does not shrink, warp or buckle.
Unlimited Decorative Pocsibilities
Compo-Board takes any decorallsn-1a'6ll paper, burlap, cloth, paint or kalsomine. Panel strips may be used but are not required. Compo-Board Filler is specia,Ily prepared to fill the joints and nail heads, leaving a smooth, flat wall.
The Boand with the Biggest Market
No other wall board made has the combineil features of greater strength. resistance to moisture and protection from heat and cold. Sell thc wallboard that fills ALL of these demands- the wood core wall boaril, Made and sold for 30 yearE.
Large Complete stocks always on hand.
Write today for sample, merchandising plans and full information.
The Compo Board Co.
Fecific Com'l l\frrchourc, 923 E. 3rd St., Lor Angclcr Wholcralc Only
Frctort rnd Mrin "OfiEcc Minncrpolie, Minn.