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California Leading Hoo-Hoo State
California, during the tu'elve months that The California Lumber Merchant has been in existance, continues to lead the country as the most enthusiastic and the most progressive Hoo-Hoo State. Wherever Hoo-Hoo get together in the country now, someone points to California as THE shining example of what this great fraternal lumber order, properly used, can do for an industry.
And the point is well made, for undoubtedly the lumbermen of California themselves can hardly appreciate to the fullest degree of fact how much Hoo-Hoo has done for the industry in this state in the promotion of closer relationship, better understanding, more goodwill, and more cooperation in business. It is a fact that needs no documentary evidence, that there is far more social life in the lumber industry here than in any other state or district, and unquestionably Hoo-Hoo has been the foundation stone of this situation. In no other lumber district do the lumbermen see each other one fourth as often or as pleasureably as they do in California. There is no part or parcel of California that has not its lumber organizations, and all of them ,meet frequently and pleasantly, in social as well as business affairs.
During the past twelve months there have been mariy successful Concatenations in the state, the following being the list, as taken from our columns, showing the number of candidates initiated:
San Francisco, 2 Con-Cats, initiated, 12 at one, and l5 at the next.
San Diego initiated 16.
Laguna Beach broke the record with 50 initiated.
Los Angeles initiated 3O.
Santa Barbara initiated 14.
Fresno initiated 8.
Anaheim initiated 11.
That makes a total of 156 members that have been initiated into the Order since July first, 19221 Many reinstatements have been ,made during that time, of course, so that the inciease in Hoo-Hoo number in California has been very considerable. The rules are strictly enforced in the accepting of members, and California can be very proud indeed, not only of the number of new members the order has secured, but at the splendid QUALITY ,of the new membership.
The big thing that makes Hoo-Hoo go so strong in California, however, is not so much the ,5gsssssful Concatenations, as the successful 'meetings at which there are no initiations. The biggest and best thought in Hoo-Hoo today is the fraternal meeting of men in all departments of the industry, even when there is no initiating to do.
In the past year the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo District weekly lu;rcheons on Thursday have'deueloped wonderfully. They meet at lZ:15 Thursday after.noon at the City Club, lunch together, and enjoy an interesting prograrnl until 1 :30. David Woodhead inaugurated this luncheon club when he was S:rark of the Los Angeles district, and it has been splendidly carried lorward by his successof,, Curtis Williams, and Hoo-Hoo is certainly at high tide in the Los Angeles district. It must be understood that while Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo only had one Con-Cat right in the city in the list shown above, they conducted the meetings at Santa Barbara and Laguna Beach, and assisted at Anaheim.
There is one new and splendidly enthusiastic member of the Hoo-Hoo District family in California this year, {he Orange County District, which came in with a rush, and is nearly 100 percent strong in Orange County already. l4ury Orange County men went into the order at Laguna last summer, and so much enthusiasm was created thaf they organized their olvn district, elected their own officers, have had some very interesting meetings, and one very fine Con-Cat. \ i. R. Whitson, of Santa Anna is Snark of that district, and he is aided and abetted by one of the most active and powerful members of the Order in the State, W. G. Larrick, of Santa Ana, who is Scrivenoter for the district, and such a Hoo-Hoo as you only occasionally meet. The new district is strictly a peach.
',fhe Bay District has had a fine year, and Hoo-Hoo enthusiasm runs high in San Francisco. Henry F. Faull is Snark and a splendid one.
Fred Hamilton, Snark, at San Diego, is the sort of an officer who should go down into Hoo-Hoo histor;r. They still have their plendid weekly luncheons every 'Wednesday-they started the Hoo-Hoo weekly luncheon busines in this Order-and every meeting they pull off, and every Con-Cat they take a hand in, is done in an artistic and outof-the-ordinary way that stamps it regular.
There are too many live and active and enthusiastic members in the state to try to mention them alt.
C. D. LeMaster, Supreme Senior Hoo-H.oo, oversees the Hoo-Hoo destinies of the three states of California, Nevada, and Arizona, and his district, by reason of the tremendous impetus of California, lead,s the entire nation. Mr. LeMaster is one of the most powerful and tireless workers in the whole Order of Hoo-Hoo, and T.ire California Lumber Merchant confidently expects to see the Order reward him in the future for his ,magnificent work, by making him Snark of the lJniverse.