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Marvelous Growth of the Stra Hardwood Company
STRABLE HARDWOOD COMPANY was started by tl.re present Presiclent of the company, G. H. Brolr4n, in 1907 with one car of tsirch Lumber as an cipening stock. Several changes were macle in tl.re firm up to 1916 u'ihen the present company was organizecl.
Since reorganizatioir, the STRABLII HARDWOOD COMPANY has grorvn rapidly, extendir.rg the territ'ory coverecl to irrclrrcle Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Washington ancl Oregon.
Warehouses are so situated that stoclt can be shipllecl or received clirectly by two transcontinerrtal railroacls ancl by I'l'ater. A short haul gii'es acccss to one other transcontinenta,l railroad and several coa stu'ise ship lines' as well as Local railroacls both steant attd electric.
Situated in Oaklancl on the mainlaud sicle of t'ire ba1'. they are more accessible to the interior ancl with splendid shipping facilities are iu a trosition to give prontpt set-vice.
The organiz-atiot't rvhich has lreen graclttally lluilt up fi'or-n a iorce of three pe,ople in l%J7 to a loyal. efficient group of workers, consisting of fifty-two men and women, most of whom have been with the firm for. a number of years and th,oroughly unclerstand their work.
This organization is thoroughly imbued with the idea of Service from the President down to the humblest worker and the managenent is thoroughly convinced that the endeavor to serve acceptably has been one of the most important reasons ior the growth of the business.
In addition to the stock handlecl through the several rvarehouses, large volttme of sales are macle each year for shipment in carload lots direct to the purchaser from the rnills in the llast. Northern Harclu'oocls and their prorlucts coming fr,om the Strable Lumber & Salt Company, Saginaw, N{ichigan. ar-rd Southern Hardu'oods from tl-re Naihville Hardrvood I"looring Company, Nashi'ille, Tenn.' with whom the S'I'RABLE HARD\V()OD COMI'ANY is af6liated.