1 minute read
t\AREI F-SSNESS in lumber yards con' V s;6 chiefly of dry graEs inside and outside yard, rubbish, smoking, inattention to care and condition of fire fighting apparatus, the condition of vacant lots and premises immediately adioining your own. l| ET the habit of giving your yard the \I once over frequently. If any of these hazards exist, correct them promptly. The chief hazard at this time of year is dry grasE. Clean it out of the yard and for ten (10) feet outside of fences and building lines.
I[IE maintain a staff of men who are vV fully trained in fire prevention. These men inspect the yan& insured by.t" at frequent intervals and point out to tte ownerE any existing frre hazar&. They are always at tfie command of any policyholder on any cpecial problems affecting the fire risk.
fAREFULNESS pays. It paid over v $3,fi)o,(XX) in dividen& to policyholders of the Northwestern and Assoct ated Lumber Mutuals in 1924. If you are not sharing in these eavings aren't you overlooking a bet?
We cut a timber out of every log that comes into our mills. This results in out-of-the-ordinary timbers; and exceptionally high grade lumber.
Our plants are equipped to cut long lengths, and we can give a true service to shipyards, dry-docks, and the structural industry generally, in any variety of hardwood timbers.
We certify our pride in our lumber by puttingourmark on every stick, and we desire not only your first order, but your second, third and tenth. We will operate for many years and you can be assured of a permanent connection with a responsible and friendly firm.

Available in Mixed Car-Lots
Nos. l, 2, 3, and 4 Vertical Grain
An unsurpassed &ade, carefullgt handled, bg our boats-long: etperienced in the handling of Cargo Uppers-and-