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(The Clearing House)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for: The Fellow Who Wants to BuY The Fellow Who Wants to Sell - The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Rate: $2.50 per column inch The
FellOW Who Wants tO Be Hired
A well known wholesale and retail concern has an opening for an experienced lumber salesman to work territory in"Los Angeles and vicinity. Prefer a man familiar with inclustrial l-umber and acquainted with Furniture Manufacturers. Give age, e*petience and salary expected. Address box A-52, care Cilifornia Lumber Merchant.
LOGGING ENGINEER: Wide experience in R. R. Location and construction, logging layout, topographical surveys and estimates. 12 yeirs' experience in Yellow Pine anh Douglas Fir districts. Accurate and economical. References. -Address California Lumber Merchant,900 Matson Bldg., San Francisco.
WANTED: Young man as estimator, assistant to bookkeeper and general office man. Must know how to use typiwriter. Give references, ag'e and if married. Address Box A-53, care California Lumber Merchant.
Auditor Or Credit Manager
Man, age 37, thoroughly competent and experienced, wants position as head of credit and collection department of a line of retail lumber yards, large or small' Expert in accounts, credits and collections.
Address Box A-54 care California Lumber Merchant.
By competent man, position in some good city in South^r-n Calif. Now employed as Manager in three yard town, with present employer 8 years as Manager. Married, age 35. Am capable and willing to earn good salary. Good bookkeeper. Will start in any capacity with right company. References. Available May lst. Box A-42, care California Lumber Merchant.
Retail lumber yard for cash. Give full details first letter' Address Box A-47, care California Lumber Merchant.
Want To Invest
Wanted, to put in $20,000 to $30,000, with some one in retail lumber b-usiness, and take active part' Address Box A-48. care California Lumber Merchant.
Three years' experience selling the lgmber trade of the Sacramento Valley and San Joaquin Valley. Open for.a position at once with reliable wholesale concern or as mrll iepresentative. At present time employed b,lt 'lesire .h"ng.. Address Boi A-50, care California Lumber Merchant.
Position as yard man in country lumber yald.. Long experience and- good references. Address Box A-44, care California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Mill
WANTED:-To buy a planing mill or mill equipment. Machinery must be in-first class-condition and modern in every respect. Will pay cash. Address Box A-49, care California Lumber Merchant.
Salesman Wanted
WANTED: First class commission salesman to handle high quality Oak Flooring account in San Francisco?istrict. Must be able to sell a quality product on quality basis. Address Box A-51, care California Lumber Merchant.
Pine Mill For Sale
Splendid investment opportunity in a newly equipped Pine Mill, Northern part of Calfornia, cutting forty thousand feet per day, all good machinery, millions of feet of tirnber can be acquired, assuring perpetual operation. In prosperous surroundings.
Priced at a discount of about 30/o under actual cost of installation, owners want immediate action. Requires $ I 00,000 investment.