1 minute read
To Be Home Buitders
To be builders of Homes-not merely sellers of lumber-is the God given heritage of the lumber industry, and should be treasured as such. Not merely to traffic in the barter and sale of boards; not merely to labor with the desire to turn virgin forests into profits; none of these things are the heritage of the lumbermen. A higher and greater gift has been bestowed upon them.
The dearest thing to the hearts of any right-made man or \ roman, is the desire for a Home. It is a charm that creeps into the hearts of rich and poor alike; it is a bond of kinship between those who labor, and those who are blessed with the world's goods.
To own a Home. To say, as you return from your day of labor-whether it be from fields of waving corn or from mahogany desk-"This is my hearthstone," brings a satisfaction so filled with goodness and so free from alloy, as to deserve the name of blessed..
The home builder is the nation-maker. You may safely judge a city, a state, or a nation by its HOMES. "The ancient love of man for his shelter" has gone down into song and story from ages that are now dim with the dusk of the past; tlie home that holds for woman all the treasures of her heart, her mind, must continue to be a guiding star for the wise men of the future.
To be peddlers of boards is a little thing.
To be HOME BUILDERS to a great nation, is a heritage that hnows no peer.