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Twohy Lumber Co.
22 | Kerckhoff Bldg. l,os Angelce, BDwy. 0843
CARGO-Fir, Rcdwood, Suger Pinc-RAIL
We can alwaye gopply Fir Columns and Drain Boarde from gtoclc I Exclusive Southern California Agents E. J. DODGE ifif'
\l/ertern White Cedar Co.
Mareh6eld, Oregon
E. E. Johnron Lumber Co. Coquillc, Orcgon Port Orford.White Cedar
Douglae Fir, Spruce, Hemlock
Red Cedar Shinglee Cedar'Poler and Piling
Fife Bldg.
SAN FRANCISCO Tel. Douglas 8928
Tutenty Vafieties of Harduood also Oak & Maple Flooring-Panels in sf ocA at all f imes
HEN you stop to think that this company has been merchandising truck and passenger car tires for more than a decade here in Los Angeles, you begin to realize that it is unnecessary for you to look further for tires or for tire service.
Our two convenient locations have many obvious advantages that emphasize the fact that LosAngeles made Goodyears should be the logical choice of those operators whose trucks and passenger cars are engaged in the Los Angeles lumber trade.
Three Hundred Million Dollars
Additional Cash for California Lumber and Construction Industries
How over THREE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS of additional capital can be made available for the building industry, is graihically told by Mr..Geo. K. Rogers in this issue. He also shows how a golden stream, now golng elsewhere, can, in future years, 6e continually diverted into the lumber and building channels.

Mr, Rogers is the autf,or of "The Better W"y" a nationally used w:ork on building financing. He is also an organiLer and, lecturer on the sibject. Hi has spoken throughout the country before churches,.lodges, cluhs, etc., and everywhere has'created a splendid inierest. The Bay Counties Section of the State Realtors recently in Oakland and the California Sanitation Development League in San- Francisco, after hearing him, both passed strong resolutions ot approval and endorsement.
It has been contended for years by qualified engineers that there is no such thine in commdn residential building practice as "fire-proof" con"struction. No doubt many thouiands of Ameriian families are today living in so-called "fire-proof" homes under the delusion that- they- are immutrd to the hazards of fire. Such stress has been laid upon the "fire-proof" quality of certain building materials, that the Committee on Buiidine Constrttction Specifications for Private Residences of the-National Fire Protection Association, has made the following notation in its reient report: ' "The use of the term 'Fireproof is recommended to be discontinued. This general term has been erroneously apolied to buildines ani materials of a more or less fire-resisiin. ot incombistible nature. Its indiscriminate use has produced much misunderstanding and has often engendered i feeling of security entirely unwarranted."
The t-erm "fire-r6sistive"-mav be applied to any standard building material when correctly used' The fact that the materia'i itself is incombustible does not mean necessarily that a structure of which it is the major part is fire-proof or fire safe. The arrangement and protective features of construction are of paramount importance. 4ty construciion which will pass^a fire test rnade in accordance with the tentative specihcations of the Amenfan Pngineefing Standards Cbmmittee for Fire Tests of Materials and Construction is "fire-resistive," whether of stone, steel, concrete, lumber, or brick.
Deny Report Of Dissolution
Officials of the Los Angeles Lumber Products Company have denied the recent report that the plant at Wilmington was to be permanently closed, and the company disbanded. It is stated that the shut down is but temporary, and that operations will be resumed soon.
Fire At Portland Mill
Portland, June 18.-3,000,000 feet of lumber was destroved bn dre last night in the yard of the Eastern & WeJtern Lumber Complanv here. The loss which is fully covered by insurance is 6stimated at $75,000.It is believed thaf the fire was caused by a careless smoker.