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Erpressinns Frnrn Some of Our CALIFORI{IA SUBSCRI BERS
We are very glad to ackuowledgc, with thanLr, your dividend chcck for $11632 ac-' cruing'fiom our Conpenration Policy with you. lVc abo acknowledge the Yery pronPt ind courtcour ecrvice wc havc receivcd frorn your organization. t
We acknowledge thc rcceipt of your divi' dcnd voucher for $93.6 for which we thanL you.
"Goods of the Woods"

Rough and Finish Lumber
Largeandgraded sfocAs always on hand
Hardwood Floors
Quality sfocA and uell laid
Breakfast Nooks
,sroc& atways on hand
H"rdwall-&udio CastingTMoulding and Finishing
I I I a o. B. iorcity delioeryr-sach altou)ance
Sash and Doors f ll *- ndMi*wo'rh
Metal Lath-Wall Boards-Nails, ffiis is a reproduclion, in a Scn Francisco Bay District home, of Cardinal Wookey's ilining room in Hampton Court palace near London.
^ The bqutiful panelled walls are our weII lTnown WYBRO Quartered OalT panels in lipht fumeil Oaft finish, ntaxed, and with graceful mouldings in appropriate desi[n.
Mauice C. Couchot and Jesse Rosenwald are the designers and architects; A. Quanilt & Sons painters and decorators; the millworft by I. H. Kruse; Cabriel Moulin, photographer, all of San Frcncisco.

Fifth and Brannan Stneetr
San Fnncirco, Califotnia
Therc's no reason why ccllar sash frames shouldn't l-rave sloped sills just like window fr:rmes. This feature costs no more, and is valuable in keeping water out of the building.
All Anderscn Cellar Sash Frames are made with sloped sills. All cxposed portions are of genuine White Pine, hence will not warp, shrink, rot or crack.
Andersen Lumber Company Dept. A-7. Bayport, Minn.