1 minute read
Profess or Qrondal's cotic I tests"of Laminex-' ustae for warphg, swelling, slwinking, separ ation
End Str Ength
A FTER subiecring Lamincx doors to thrcc kinds of rigorous tcsts, Bror L. Grondal, A tvt. S. F.,'direcior of theForcst Products laboratorybf thc Univcrsity of Washington, dcclarcd that Lamincx doors "ma1 bc cx?,crcd to uitbstand cocr, tcectr ttagc and tbat tbcy sborU gioc ttustallt satirfactory nnicc tndcr cxrnmc dimatic corditiottt."
Tk Wanr Ta.r{onsistins of z4 hours' soaking, showcd complcte abscncc of walping in all Lamincx dooi. All'parts of thc dodrs rcmaincd rigid and strong.
Tbc Hcat Tarr-Conducted in a commcrcial dry kiln, rcvcalcd that no shrinking, swclling or warping in Lamincx doors rcsultcd firom z4 hours in hcat of r85 dcgrces F. with humidiry of 3o pcr ccnt.
Stnngtb Ta.rr-Demonstratcd that Lamincx pancls in an Olscn tcsting machinc would ltand an "v$agc load of 9rz pounds without ruPrurc:
Why w@dshrinla md-sqpells in width but twt inlmgh
TN IIMINEX doors, wc build uP, bY a I proccss of lemination, the parts that go int6 thc consmrction of thc doors, using a soccial Lamincr watcrproof ccmcnt and Gucczine thc wholc togithcr with trcmcnd6us hy&aulic prcssuri ifio enc solid piacc.
Thc icsult ig tivofold: Frtr-thc naiural cavitics of thc wood arg cJoscd up; Sccnd -thc sraio of thc adioinine scctions is so croascdthet it ccualiics all cxpansion and contraction and [olds thc wholc in chcck. Wood cannot shriok in lcasth and thc Lamincx ccmcnt is ttnsgcr thin thc wood.