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Proued in &sco re of other tests! in the fa*ous Cumberland flood
TN THE great flood at Cumberland, Maryland, on I Uarch 29, r9L4,^ large sash and door house found itself directly-in the path of the rising waters. All doors in the'basement stock and a griat nutnber on the ground floor were completely submerged for seveial days. Doors of many manufacturers wcre ..or.r.nt.i. Bat only Lami'nex door.r crme throuylt uitlrout corrugating, bl;.rftring, u,aipin!. or rtristinq. as did doors ol other nzaket!
& noael test conceiued by one of our distributors
"pOR zo days," declared Lionel Ray, "we exposed to the weather I'a regular itock Laminex door. The June sun in Memphis is hot. UntilJuly 4th this door underwent the test I Sun be at on iC during thc day-and rain zt night. To make sure , when there was no iain, wd laid the door doivn and soakecl it thoioaghj uith watr Jrom a hosc and allowed the water to stand in panels level with thestiles.
"r. The door did not shrink. swell or warD. It came rhrough as straight as the day it was madej
"L. No open joints resulted. The waterproof cement held.
"j. The surface did not peel or crack.
"To our mind, you have produced a hundred per cent door," declares Mr. Ray, who, bv t6. *"y, is secretarv ind tre"surer of one of the leading millwork concerns in the South.
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T|HOUSANDS of doors of different mekcs, irr various rvoods, rvere in I thc fire of the Davis Sash a Door Company, Nashville, on rhe nighr of October rJ, rgz1,.
"The fire raged for five or six hours, with fifteen or eighteen srreams of water playing upon it. The intense heat from the fire rhat ate irs lvay through the rop flooring Thc delu.ge of water. .Laminex doors wcre sit'-ratcd so:ls to recc'ive as nruch heat and \\'ater as any doors in theplace --......Nar a sing;le one shoued thc slightett tigu ol giuing ua1 , blittering or backltng."
iI"AMHNEX Quarantee
This Iaminex dmr, built by out excluive proers, is guamnteed. In es of failurc rct due to neglec or misu*, we will mplace it without charge.