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l-aminex doors &r e m&de tn & wide a &rietry "t b eautiful s ty les I
I rmineir Belle Porte
A sfr-ftonlc d*ign, wlth dl s4uarc ild;ns, fu$ doruueletl Stibs atld wils vrrtical d flat grain, buih-v| consrruction- I-amhux fu gcirptd.
Tnr WHnnlen, Oscooo CorrpeNv, Dept- T-tz, Tacoma, Washington
\fOU can get the advantage of Laminex constructi r line of beautiful doors-in both flat and vertical the construction in a full and varied exterior. On this page we show three typical patterns. grain for interior and Irading door iobbcrs carry these and many other popular designs. Ask your jobber-or wrlte us dircct-for catalog of the complete Laminex line.
Iannincr< Two-Panel Door
This alluo-boncl Laminex is o fawritziinalnr lrrriorcof ille 'r;cltnt'ry,. $iles, raib and fr;rcls are Lomincx. brrih'"P coiltl'tc' tion"naAg with l-omhlex iwcr fof cr;nlrcnt
Gntlcmm: We arc intercstcd in Lamincx doors. Please scnd illusratcd cxplanation of Laminex construction in deail. Also scnd actual samplc of Lamincx wood so wc can make the Laminex watcr tcst oursclves.
Firm Address.
Frtoch Door lzmircxF.crch ilarsorrrr,in*ybs for both inrrrtot and cxtciot cntrarrc.s- All cmEodr d. cdnd,rr ail6altagcs of l'oanhlrr.@n$tttm-