3 minute read
Three Years Old---And Still Growing
Bg Jacft Dionne
We spent a year debating whether or not to launch The Lumber Merchant in California.
And we have spent three years being grateful that we DID launch it.
We were convinced that California NEEDED The Lumber Merchant. Of course, California didn't rcalize such a need, because it had had no experience with Lumber Merchant magazines.
And we were in the fix of the colored brother who was being taught hypnotism. His teacher said: "If you look a lion right in the eye fearlessly, he can't bit you. You know it, and I know it." "Yassuh" said the colored one, "but does de LION know it?"
And that was one of the points we debated.
The lumber folks of California have proven by their interest, their faith, their cooperation, and their ENTHUSIASM in The Lumber Merchant that THEY also knew it.
On our FIRST birthday, we said that The California Lumber Merchant was the huskiest yearling in the history of lumber journalism. And it WAS.
On our SECOND anniversary we proclairhed it the stoutest two year old. Likewise true.
And today we remark with pardonable pride that as a three year old this journal has set a mark for accomplishment and success never before realized.
No one ever accused us of being modest, and on this, our birthday, it is our business to talk about this journal a little, and we may be forgiven for bragging a little.
For The California Lumber Merchant toCay is by far the MOST ATTRACTIVE lumber journal published. (We haven't much competition there, for lumber journals have never been noted for their attractiveness in appearance, make-up, etc.)
In SIZE it is already one of the biggest lumber journals published, regardless of age.
And from a standpoint of popularity in its chosen field it has but slender chance of encountering debate when it claims to be second to none.
Its growth has been steady, continual, conservative, but irresistible. It has been no royal road, by any means. It has meant continual hard work, the solving of innumerable problems, the handling of scores of situations that required finesse and diplomacy, and the use of our full quota of enthusiasm and courage at all times.
There have been numerous changes in the building and lumber situation in California during the three years we have served this territory, but in spite of the ups and downs, the good and bad markets, the Merchant has continually striven to furnish the service, the information, the assistance, and the VISION that made it a strong helping hand at all times, regardless of conditions, until it has come to be looked upon as an integral part of the lumber industry in California, sharing with the industry its joys and sorrows, its feasts and famines.
That it will continue to be trrmittcd to do so, is our most sincere wish on this Ttr,ird Birthday of ours.
The succcss of The Merchant rcsts only partially upon Thc Mcrchant itseU. To the lurnbcr people of California who havc forgivcn our mietakcs, praiscd our cfforts, and co-operated unselfishly with ns ttrough good tirncs and bad, gocs the credit for our still being 'tn the ring."
From that mighty line "wherc rolls the Oregorl" down to Coronado's silvcry strand, thcrc kindly enthusiastlc, lovablc California lu,mbermen and lumber women have given us their spiritual and financial support, to the end that we might grorr, and develop, and become stronga and better able to fight thcir battler.
'We are deeply grateful. And we can only demonstratc that graftudc by further scrvice.
And on this Third Birthday of ours, we wish to rcncw our Crccd: Wc bclicve in thc high and mighty mission of the lumber industry as the homc builders of thc nation; wc belierrc that the Lumber Merchant-when hc understands and fulfiUs his mission fully-is thc nost important man in his town; we believe that he is the steward of a great trust and that it is his duty to see that evenr rnan and his possessions in every town is suitably houscd; we believe it is his business to carry the gospel of better HOMES and better BUILDINGS to every man in his selling territory, to advertisc, merchandise, and Sive building SERVICE; we believe in co-operation, that "God helps those who cach other"; we belicvc that your business will be largely what you make it by your own efforts; .. :wb''believe that '$usiness is good-we make it good" should be every lumber merchant's slogan; we believe that the health and wealth of the lurnber industry is up to US and not up to PROVID;ENCE.
So let's keep on hustling, here in California-