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California Lumber Production In 1924 Far Exceeds All Previous Figures
Only two states in the union are showing an increase in their lumber production-California and Oregon.
fhe production of lumber in Washington will probably show a decrease from this time on, while Oregon is showing a continual development of product, and will probably do so for a number of years to come, since the greatest untouched stands of timber are located there.
The production of lumber in California has increased at a conservative and not an alarming rate, and the chances are that it will show a definite but not mighty decrease in the next few years.
According to the Government forestry figures there is standing in California today more than three hundred billion feet of virgin commercial timber. Naturally, there is a certain amount of that timber that is inaccessible. and will never be cut for commercial purposes. What that percentage amounts to, no one knows. Only time will tell.
But we do know that there is a huge quantity of accessible and valuable timber standing in California, and in years to come the increased value of the lumber will add to the accessibility of the forests.
There is more than a hundred years stand of timber in the state at present production figures. And California is doing more than any other state in the matter of regrowth and reforestation.
It is entirely safe to say that the forests of California will come nearer being a perpetual supply, than those of any other state.
With the present Redwood reforestation activities, Redwood will be with us in commercial quantities ahvays. There seems no da,ubt about it.
And the interested and intelligent activities of the California pine people indicate that in this species also will the perpetuation of the forests being given skillful attention.
For California is profiting by the history and example of Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota; of Washington; and of all the Southern timber states.
The chances are that one hundred years from today California will still have great stands of commercial timber, and be supplying lumber to the world in large quantities.
The production of lumber in California for 1924 makes interesting figures. These figures are secured by the San Francisco office of The California Lumber Merchant in collaboration with the California White & Sugar Pine Association, and the California Redwood Association. While these figures are probably not absolutely exact, they are approximately correct, and as near right as can possibly be secured from all possible sources.
Here they are:
California White Pine.. 844,581,000 ft.
California Sugar Pine.. 149,043,000 ft.
Douglas Fir
White Fir
Incense Cedar . 331,541,000 ft.
Total all Pine mills. 1,325,165,000 ft.
California Redwood (all mills). . 602,988,000 ft.
GRAND TOTAL ...r,9nJ53,000 ft.
This is considerably the largest production California has known, and, as stated before, is practically exact.
The Wm. M. Cady Lumber Company has been awarded the contract f.or 287,ffi0,000 feet of timber on the Sitgreaves National Forest.
It comprises a large area of standing and dead timber in the Deer Spiings unit, covering several townships. The timber is practically western yellow pine, with a sprinkling of Chihuahua pine and Douglas and white fir.
JOHN G. McINTOSH, C. P. A. c. s. cowAN, c. P. A-
Three years ago in the first issues of The California Lumber Merchant we began talking to the trade about our "sudden Service.tt
Today that slogan has come to mean "Distinguished SerYice" to the dealers who have tried its qualityo