1 minute read
On Our Third Birthday
Three years have passed; small time, in truth
To claim for its maturity; Yet here stands one whose energy And merits far outrun its youth.
Years, in these modern times, bear not Tradition's seal. What has been done Counts less than what may yet be won. Each day is history begot.
Not as an idle dream 'twas born; Not as a seed cast recklessly On untilled ground, with hope to see The ripened grain some future morn.
As sprung Minerva from the head Of Jupiter, full panoplied For battle or heroic deed, So of this print it may be said.
Ten years of searching toil were spent Ere we were ready to come West. A decade, proving out the best, Before we crossed the continenl
What wonder, then, this babe should growl
It did not need a swaddling age. It had, by proxy, passed the stage That other printe must undcrgo.
Not ag a child did we appear; Not for careEEeE did we sue. But man to man we spoke. We knew We had to say what you would hear.
Three years have passed. We can look back And call them fruitful. We would not Erase a word, nor cause a thought To swerve a fraction from its track.
The goal we set-a life long guestStill holds its lure before our eyeE And gleams in California's sldes As bright as shines its Eastern crest.
Indeed, perchance a brighter glow Illumineg pageE written here; One sees no fall trees starlc and drear; No roads impassable with snow.
Here, in this climate of the Gods, Man lives and homes predominate. He doeg not here pay toll to fate Nor play the seaeons heavy odds.
By such surroundingE we are blest And inspiration comeE apace So that, of all the thoughts we trace, The next one alwayE proves the best.
To you who read this printed page We pledge, that, in the years to be, Its vigor, truth and loyalty Will parallel its added age.
To hold doft the torch of right And its companions-juetice-truth ; Ie that a token of our youth Unknown to a maturer eight)
If so, then let the world be told We glory in our youth; and pray That there will never come the day When men will whisper: "He is old!"
Preach better s€wice to mankindPreach homes, preach thrift, preach honestYAnd of these an example beWhat goal more lofty could we 6ndl
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