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San Diego Concat
The San Diego Brothers staged another unique Concat, almost the equal of the one put on by Fred Hamilton when he used a big log raft in the Bay two years ago.
Joe Restine, the wide-awake Vicegerent, arranged the afiair on the night of June 25th, at the old Indian Village on the Panama Pacifc Fair Grounds. Under a clear sky with the new moon and with this unique setting, a notable party was enjoyed.
Dinner at the Cabrillo Cafe preceded, with over eighty plates laid. Musical entertainment and a program by the famous San Diego Official Male Quartet, was much enjoyed.
Many visiting Hoo Hoo were there, E. H. Lingo, No. 4471, President and founder of Burton-Lingo, of Texas and Oklahoma, Arthur Deffebach, No. 4470, of the Lingo Company, Ft. Worth, B. R. Julian, No. 22382, F. A. Dernier, No. 30336, Herman Loehr of Anaheim, A. W. Donovan, of the Union Lumber Company, Ed Cunlan, Chas. R. McCormick & Co., H. G. Larrick, and many others.
The Snark called on the Parson, who introduced these visitors and presented the past officers, and complimented the Snark and tl-re Nine on bringing their District up to a 99 per cent standing.
There were nineteen Kittens and two Reinstatements. The Kittens were placed in buses at the Cafe, blindfolded, and taken to the Park.
The Junior Work was splendidly done and much Iun followed the serious part of the work.
The following officers confirmed the degree: Snark, Joe Restine; Senior, Herb Sullivan; Junior, C, C. West; Bojum, Clarence Jackson; Arcanoper, Chester Lane; Gurdon, Fred Hamilton; Jabberwock, Frank Parks; Scrivenoter, G. F. Huff and Custocation, G. E. Mattison.
The Kittens were: W. L. Zimmerman, Dixie Lbr. Co.; Orville B. Wilson, San Diego Lbr. Bo.; Frank R. Meyer, Hillcrest Lbr. Co.; Clitr E. Roberts, Benson Lbr. Co.; John F, Lupton, Western Lbr. Co.; Thos. P. Williams, D. E. Thompson Lbr. Co.; Thos. D. McFarlane, Dixie Lbr. Co.; Huntley A. Wark, Dixie Lbr. Co.; Seth H, Warren, Dixie Lbr. Co.; James C. Fraynd, Benson Lbr. Co.; F. W. Szalinski, Glassen Pl. Mill; Chas. E. Freeman, W. P. Fuller Sash & Door Co.; Bennet H. Seymour, Benson Lbr. Co.; Mearl L. Baker, Miller McDermott; Bascom S. Jones, San Diego Lbr. Co.; Robt. R. Hadfield, Glassen Pl. Mill; Frank S. Mason, San Diego Lbr. Co.; Alvin A. Maas, Lumber & Bldrs. Supply Co., Salina Beach; David E. Gibson, Jr., Gibson Lbr. Co., La Jolla.
Reinstates-Francis A. Clough, Albion Lbr. Co., San Francisco; Herman Leahr, Gibson Lbr. Co., Anaheim.
"Sure," said H. J. Anderson, of Portland, when we suggested to him an ad in the Birthday Isue, "go ahead and run it. I ran one in your Second Birthday Number, and California has tr€ated me mighty kindly since that time.

"l just want to tell those live lumber people of California that I am deeply grateful for the business I have enjoyed down there, and to assure them that if they will let "Handy Andy" be their special representative in the north, they will never regret their supply or their supply agent."
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