1 minute read
The Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club
By President L. H. Chapman
Hand in hand with the progress of California and the development of the Sacramento \ralley, has marched the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club.
Keen, indeed, has been the realization of the lumbermen of the Sacramento Valley, of the importance of the study of problems which affect them as a group and the need for unity in combating such problems.
Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club is purely a social full opportunity to express his views on all matters. Under this policy the club has grown until its present membership includes practically everv retail lumberman in the Valley as well as a large percentage of the wholesale lumbermen who work the territory.
Many definite advances in trade practices trace their success to the co-operation of the members of the club.
Every member is proud of his membership and considers it a real asset.
The club's social functions are the source of much pleasure and good rvill.
Twice a year the club holds ladies' day and the program is for the pleasure of the ladies. Dancing always figures prominently on the program on these occasions. YOUNG men over FIFTY always enjoy ladies' day. They appear in their best dress and angelic smile, radiating an af,mosphere of "THE WORLD IS MINE." Therefrom springs the opinion that all lumbermen are PLUTOCRATS. Hou'ever this erroneous impression is' soon dispelled by the failure to take discounts and our true status is quickly re-established.
L. H. Chapman
institution, yet the co-operative spirit which gives it life has been a dominant factor in eradicating many abuses which spread germs of discontent and ill feeling with all their destructive tendencies.
The Club holds monthly meetings on the third Saturday of each month. These meetings are open not onlv to the club members and the trade press but also to the lumber public and the public press. Open forum is held on all subjects that come before the club. Every one is given a
C. D. LeMaster
All these bad practices and misunderstandings are overcome by co-operation and we go forward as a happy family, wishing the world HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY.