1 minute read
Dislbyalty to one's business associates is closely allied to desertion in the army.
General F'urniture Company Purchase Emerwood Panel & Top Co.
The General Furniture Co. of Seattle have purchased the Emerwood Panel & Top Co. of Portland, and have moved the Emerr,vood operations to their new plant in Seattle. R. C. Anderson, President of the General Furniture Co., states that their new Panel and Top building is all on one floor and is equipped with new modern woodworking machinery. He stated that their Panel output will be greatly increased in their new plant and that they are now able to give excellent service to their Californii customers. Mr. Anderson was a recent California visitor, where he spent about three weeks with his California representatives calling on the California trade. The H. P. Maris Panel Co. of San Francisco are distributors of the Emerwood Panel in the San Francisco market. F. P. Baugh is their Los Angeles and Southern California representative.