1 minute read
Comparative Twenty Weeks in Northwest
Wbst Coast Lumbermen's Association \l'eekly reports on production, orders and shipments, for the first twenty weeks of the past six years, are as follows: greater than for the same period in 1924; 2.96% greater than in 1923;26.17% greater than in 1922;115.42/o greater than in l92l; and 23.42% greater than in the first twenty weeks of. 19fr.
2. Orders, thus far this year, have been 6.89% greater than in 1924;4.67/o'less than in 1923;25.39% greater than in 1922;94.49% greater than in l92l; and 53.62% greater than in the first twenty weeks in 1920.
From the above it will be observed:
3. Shipments, thus far this year, have been .27/s less than in 1924;6.24/o less tlan in l9?3;34.37/o greater than in L922;103.38% greater than in l92l; and 39.11% greater than in the first twenty weeks of 1920.