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Soft, Old Growth Yellow Douglas Fir FINISH
The Long.Bell Lumber Company is featuring vemical grain Soft, Old.Growth, Yellow Douglas Fir in B&Btr. grade for interior trim whcre only the best is desired. This lumber is also manufactured in factory thicknesses for sash, door and other factory uses in B&Btr., Select, No. 1, and No. 2 shop grades. Gratifuing effects can be obtained from the choice of verdcal, slash or mixed grain as desired.
LongBell trade-marked Douglas Fir is equally excellent as interior and exterior finish for all building purposes. The "C" grade can be furnished in mixed grain where a lower grade of 6nish may be used. As a means of identification, the trade.mark is on the end of each piece.
R. A. Long Bldg. Ltmbrnct Sitcc 1t75 Kanrar Clty, Mo.
CaliforniaWhite Pine Doore LongBell all-California.whitepine doorc, mede throughout of Celifornie Vhite Pine, give universsl aetigfection Thcy ete bceuttful ln rppcerence-tekc enyfnbh-do not chcclcor spllt -end colt lcs to fit, mortisc end heng. 'Vritc uc for funhct lnfotmetion"
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