2 minute read
What Proper Btyitg Connections
Mean to the Lumber Dealer
'TiHE retail lumber dealer who has gained the confidence and steady patronage of the local lumber buyers has more to his business methods than clever salesmanship.
Clever salesmanship has landed many a first order but it takes more than "first orders" to keep a business going along profitably.
The retailer who holds his customers year after year does it by taking uniformiy good care of their requirements. By giving them prompt service on the types and kinds of lumber they want and have been accustomed to using, with a good measure of fair treatment and square dealing thrown in.
' It isn't at all strange that retailers who operate on this basis expect as much from their buyingconnections as they give to their own contractor and carpenter customers.
These dealers long ago discovered the value of being rated as a good customer by a few responsible mills. That is why they are not half so much interested. in "transit cars" and "cheap prices" as they are in the concern that can supply them at the right time with uniform, saleable lumber.
\I fEYERHAEUSER men are aware V V of the obligations they owe to those dealers who look to Weyerhaeuser Mills as one of theirmajor sources of lumber supply. As evidence of this is the insistence bv Weyerhaeuserofficials on uniformity, higfi quality of manufacture,promptness in all transactions.
The dealer who buys Weyerhaeuser lumber is entitled to receiv e L00% saleable stock. Every man in this organization knows that it is his business to see that these policies are carried out.
TheWeyerhaeuser salesman puts you in personalcontact with this lumber service. He has the whole hearted backing of 15 mills cutting 15 species and shipping from 17 enormous stocks. He is the personal representative of Weyerhaeuser officials and he takes pride in thefactthat his mills will backhim and his customers to the limit.
He isn't picked merely because he can sell, but because he knows the lumber business-because he is qualified to help you.
If you want to hnow what this service means try out your local Wbyerhaeuser man with an order the nexttime he calls.

Branch Ofua ST.PAUL CHICAGO BALTIMORE NEW YORK 2694 Univercity Ave. 2OE S. La Sdle St. 812 Lexington Bldg. 22O Broadway
The Veyahausq Sales Company k the combined selling organQation of the folloaing Veyethaetset Milk and Distribtting Plants CloquctLuberCo. Cloqrct,Mim. HubirdlumberCo. Soadpoint,Idaho
ThcNorthenlumbcrCr.doqrct, Mim Edwad R.udedge Timber Co. Coqrd'Alene, Idaho
Johruoa-Ventrcrth CL Ooquet, Mim. Boacn Fcry Lubcr Co. Boanen Ferry,Ideho
Vod Convenio Co. Ooquct, Mim. Snoqualmic Falls Luber Co. Snoquatmie FaIb, Voh.
Pothtch L'-ber Co. Pottatch,I&ho VeycrhaucrTimbcr Cp. Everctt, Vob. BoircPrycttclubcrCn...Boirc,ldaho
WayerbrorctTimberCo........Baltimrc,Md. Velrcrbocurcr Tinbcr Cq , St. Paul, Mim.
AT the Emmett plant of the .fL Boise Payette Lumber Company you will find many reasons for the fame and excellence of Boise Payette stock. Four substantial reasons are shown above.
From left to right:JohnAtkins, Yard Superintendent; E. H. Barton, Plant Manager; H. Inman, Green Yard Foreman; Richard Johnson, Dry Yard Foreman.
All of these men are experienced, practical lumbermen-the type of men who are satisfied with their work only when it is well done.
Below is shown an alley in the "Skyscraper" seasoning yard at the Emmett plant. They take great pride at this plant in the seasoning of their lumber, knowing as they do that proper seasoning is a vital necessity if a good product is desired.