1 minute read
eenDoors 'truction tnoteriaLs efilgnA
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indow Screens, Hipolito f construction that protrength and yet exemI in stock screen doors. itruction-decided upon after thstand the frequent slamming screen door is in use.
Examine the detail picture closely. These rhite Maple dowels are set in the best imorted waterproof glue. They are long nough to hold, big enough for the required trength and yet not so big as to lessen the trength of the door itself. Made exclusively f California Sugar Pine and screened with ouble galvanized wire cloth. Note wire loth rolled into groove under even tension.
Read Thes e Specifi.cations
These are our standard specifications for all Hipolito Screen Doors.
Air-Cured California Sugar Pine.
Stiles. .3slinch.
Thickness ., rllinch.
Can furnish either 14 or 16 Gal. or Copper Screen Wire.
Furnished with r4 Gal. unless otherwise specified.
Writefor our big catalog ol alltypes of screen doors andwindow screens.