3 minute read
es, eo ers ,-(L feu typical letteY,s
N ortorvPhelPs*Lumber Co'
T'lal#' l@ LOS GATOS' CAL'
1i3?'i'irlitnux"'. t ", I,os Angeles ' CaIif.
AP!iI 24th 1925'
Dear Sirs - ^-i r,,rability of the ];lpo1ito
Ve find that tbe satisfaction and durabi: products haYe greatly incteased' our gales of this I'ine' as well as
-':::|]',":"T'i"''"'""" to stock onrv tbis eeke ror businegs of our three Yards ' YourB ver'y t}'uly'
Norton-Pirelps Lurlber Cor'pany' ii:itT,tTHf$iu.. r.o8 Augclog, oeuL'
Geatloen: i3.dtr#!dr$"ffi ?ifu sri"i#H.:, gsffi;ff iiiri**;#*fu f !i*,
,", ""lrllT,,r,iir*T:r iH Tls'l#" :'
Yerlr trulgr yOtrle, muuo rn^D-oofPAIT llhnrger ge€h & Door DeBt. ber companY Boorman LWH,""L6.Gu^iasEo
* 4{ E:-"*-",.
SUEipR Fliltsts Flf,Y Y4 rodcrFdnEffiri* "^**n"'"*Tjl"rlt^*, ,r", srilpEon goteen t"lnffrr", carif
42\5 golden gt" Enely centleoen: E:ne1o6ed preasl tt* "-::,:^:"tJ"t":: *"t"*l' "' vo'rr -nrrolrto" ao;;;
1161 ror qrtte a -Y;"", -r,,r"r,r",'""'
Deltvet trrese at t*. ,:." the thtrd yeat te has Deltvet to""" ':.1::;;;t"" thtrd veat l" oo" plea.ed to saY M t"^"";;", are gtving entlte s€
I/ra,t' 26th 1925.
I{ipolito Screen and. Sash Conpa.try, zlst a1ld Alarneda Sts. Los AneeLes, CaLif.
Gentlemen: - bandteal 15696 dootsr 1':_"" .* "o"torr"e a.te sPsr randteal dgots':; o* are spec tefactlonr arr'l re flno ing tbeu' Slncele1y youls,
Alter uslng your screons anal screen itroo$ :,:_":: llne of €igtrt ;rartts, *e-ar" ""rY-*"ri pl.oas€d. wlth EIe aorvlce renaler€d. by your cornpany ,an(t feel that we bave glve:l to our customors the bgst iirere fe lr,-tnf, llrre.
A Police Pun
The policeman had a gambler by the arm and was waiting for the patrol wagon to arrive.
"\Mhat are you doing?" asked a friend of the officer.
"I'm holding a card party" replied the cop. ***
No Use
The day was cold and wet, and the owner of a certain small car of well known make, had put a blanket over the - hood of his car to protect it, and had started off, when the small boy, grinning impishly, remarked so all the passersby could hear:
"Oh, you needn't try to hide it ! f know what you've got under that blanket."
Sign On The Back Of Ford
"For spare parts-follow me." **
King Hassan
King Hassan, well beloved, was wont to say When aught went wrong, or any prophet failed; "Tomorrow, friends, will be another day !" And in that faith he slept, and so prevailed.
Long live this proverb ! While the world shall roll, Tomorrows, fresh, shall rise from out the nightAnd new baptize the indomitable soul, With courage for its never-ending fight.
No one, I say, is conquered till he yields; And yield he needn't while, like mist from glass, God wipes the stain of life-old battle fields, From every morning that He brings to pass.
New day, new hope, new courage! Let this be Oh soul, thy cheerful creed! What's yesterday? With all its shards and wrack and grief, to thee? Forget it, then. Here lies the victor's way.
-James Buckham.
Sometimes men who differ radically on one subject, are very close together on another.
Take the case of Robert G. Ingersoll and Rev. Sam Jones, the first, the great and most eloquent of agnostics, and the latter the greatest divine the South has produced. Both gave colleges fits whenever opportunity arose. Ingersoll once referred to colleges as "places where pebbles are polished and diamonds are dimmed."
Sam Jones used to say that he would not send his sons to college because he would prefer to have them "reading the alphabet in Heaven than reading Greek down in Flell."
Those whom the Gods would destroy they first make mad-about a woman
Then SHE finishes the job. ***
There is no room for sadness when we see a cheery smile; It always has the same good look-it's never out of style. It nerves us on to try again when failure makes us blue; The dimples of encouragement are good for me and you. It pays a higher interest, for it is merely lentIt's worth a million dollars and it doesn't cost a cent. **:F
Little Marion and her next door neighbor Donald, were engaged in an absorbing conversation.
"What are anarchists?" asked little Marion.

Then Donald swelled with wisdom.
"They want everything anyone else has got, and they never wash themselves,t' he replied.
"f see," said little Marion; "they is jest little boys growed up." ***
"Of all the weaknesses which little men rail against, there is nohe that they are more apt to ridicule than the tendency to believe. And of all the signs of a corrupt heart and a feeble head, the tendency of incredibility is the surest.Bulwer-Lytton. !t*tf .4.BIT
"Said the Mickle to the Muckle: It's a pretty how-do-do That it should need a lot of ME To make just one of YOU."
"The proverbs hold you in the light An ideal to be reached And your desirability Is praised and likewise preached."
"Yet you could never be yourself If it were not for me, Without the drops of water, there Could be no mighty sea."
"The little jobs, when treated right, And oft enough are rendered, Will keep the big job well in sight And to you 'twill be tendered."