1 minute read
The Best Investment
The best investment on earth is a NECESSARY BUILDING.
Its life is very great, as compared with the large majority of things which money buys nowadays.
Its depreciation is very small by that same comparison.
Its ownership is always the means of improving your CREDIT, both moral and financial.
There are worlds of everyday investments of today, of which only the opposite can be said.
The man of family who erects a necessary building, has proven his judgment to his associates, and to his banker.
The one who buys a car, when he needs a building, has given ample proof to all interested, of his business incompetency.
A necessary building will last a lifetime, and during all that period it offers to mankind and his possessions some or all of the fundamental attributes of shelter, protection, insurance, safety, reliability, comfort, convenience, satisfaction, health, luxury and financial balance.
What other investment can offer as much?
There is never a time, regardless of season, regardless of high or low market price, when a NEEDED BUILDING is not a better investment than 99 out of every 100 things for which human beings pay out their money.
Isn't this a good selling argument?