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Three Musketeers
Here, ladice and gentlcmcn, arc three very good eramplee of the hardy, healthy, hungry, types of pulchritude in the lumber game, in Los Angeles.
We preccnt their pictures for no particular reaEon.
The firet, Fred Golding, head of the Fred Golding Lumber Company, ie noted for two things. He is a dcmon golfer, wielding his sticks with glec at the California Country Club, between trips to Portland, in hia Studebaker, whcn he always lowera hia driving record by a few houre. Fred ie a good fellow, and mighty well liked by the Southcrn California bunch.
Then we come to Jimmie Chase. What Jim lackg in height he makes up in rotundity. Good natuied, always on the job, a good busincaa man, and above all, the begt Committeeman that Hoo Hoo has ever had. Jimmie ie hailed far and ncar. Hc doce not uae Sta-comb. Jim ig Sales-Manager for thc Woodhead Lumber Company.
The aober vieaged gent ie Clint l.aughlin, in case it ia neceecary to introduce thig famoua guy. Clint looka after the affairs of the Long-Bell Lumber Company in Loo Angeles, wina a lot of money at the Jonathan Club, at dominoes, eingr a mcan basE at thc Hoo Hoo Club afiaira, and rccommendg the beauty parlor at Bullock'a for marcclling.