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On to Spokane
Spokane, Washinglon, with its immenee lumber operations, unrivaled rcenic beauties, and hosta of other attnctive features, invites the lumber world to the 34th An nual Convention of the Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo, September l4th to r7th.
Many California lumbermen have already planned to attend tfre Co'nvention, according to Secretary lchetavood. A special train will leave San Fnncirco on the l2th, and it ir poesible that a cpecial car will be taken from [.og Angeler, to be attached to the San Francisco delegationc Gonveyancc.
The millr, wholesalers and retailerc of Spokane are dl combined in a desire to entertain, and they are looldng for the largest attendance in history.
Sixteen Committees have been appointed; they are busy with their work, and above all, according to D. C. Spoor, Publicity Committee, tihey want a large delegation from California. Brother Spoor'r address is 508 Sherwood Bldg., Spokane.
Supreme Gurdon Dave Woodhead, Los Angeles, Past Snark of the Universe E. D. Tennant, Part Vicegerent Hetman Rogcnberg, and a number of otrherc, in [.os Angeles, have signified their intention of mfing the trip. Brother Dave will be glad to receive inquiries from any C-ate that are intererted.