1 minute read
That's Who He Was
He was,a new nigger in coon town, and he was sitting on a bench in the park, holding handr with Sam Johnsing's girl, and making desperate love to. her, when she remarked: "Yaller boy, you bettah not let Sam Johnsing ketch you rrrid me."
And he replied: "Sam Johnsing doan mean nuthin' to rc, see? Ahse e ha'd niggah, Ah is. Cums dishere Sam Johnsing foolin'roun'wid me, Ah jes nachally dulls a razor on his wind pipe. Ah simply knocks hiryr fum amazin' grace into a floatin' oppo'tunity. Ahse a ha'd niggah, an Ah doan mean perhaps. Ah jes' knocks him fer a two weeks furlough, Ah does. Ah slaps him t'sleep, and if he wakes up agin, Ah digs him a home. See?"
About that time a gigantic black swung on this yellow boy from behind, floored him, ficked him up bodily and swung him high and dry into the center of a thorny rose bush. Then he sat down by Liza-
"Niggah, who is you, anyhow?" asks the injured one, crawling out of the embrace of the rose bush.
"I'se de gentl'm'n you wuz jes tellin' Liza'bortt," replied the black one.
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