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ttYoul^ sales efforts have cel^tainly brought tls resultstt
The H. H. Giesy & Bros. Co., Columbus, Ohio, have sold Celotex Insulating Lumber for over two years now.
And their sales are constantly increasing. They attribute this success largely to the selling and advertising help which all Celotex distributors receive.
But there are .other reasons, too, why Celotex is an unusually profitable item in their yard-why it would be in yours.
You can sell this one material for fine dif.ferent uses.
Celotex is the ideal material for sheathing, for plaster base, for interior and exterior finish, anil insulation. Used in any of these ways, it gives both structural strength and insulation, at almost no extra building cost.
Thus a small investment in Celotex turns over quickly and reduces the amount of money tied up in five other items.
A generous margin of profit on every quick sale, ease of handling, low storage costs, and an extensive advertising campaign to your customers--these are other reasons why Celotex is unusually profitable.
Send today for the Celotex Volume and Profit Plan book. It will tell vou more about Celotex and give you the detiils of a unique plan to help you sell it. Just use the coupon below.
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'Da Ortrtc 06. aal f. [ohtao lr. coiloor-' chlo'&' ltl. ,la baa b.an our Eot oub. n Li dilta! yoE tld tb b tlu .a to tb lpr;aaa dl| [bJ ot c.lold tD tb Colrb t.!rlb-?.- f lbl .t tbl. rrltiB tb.t oalot.r ta @?tu rtth nE tlttt aoltoltatlo!.. rh. &D!al r[5& ...-'b la eU oo lta ua 1! h- ooiltEogo. u nll il ESil othar DuFaar. Da aiba attorta ua dr.rttl!3 too h.y. tlrm tt Ir thla t.rrlbr t! tbc lrt ti t.rEr hr. o.ltalnv brqht !.airlE la flhd .leat .rrt Cry .d Dr {r b *lol C.lot.t hd b.! Dut ud ti!!. ...il to b. n lbt! to frloh lt 6a b. w.d. b ttil lt biu il.t tor nrlou hhbtllt3 DuF.... b tha tds.trlil ltQa, e{ ua Dla th! pbsaa b airtr out raLa r la!.strt &i n .ra rtl. to l!t.F.t tstou ooB.D bt'at ltri tnrt.il lt rltb llttl. tnt.t.rfi It th Elb!. Fr@llr. Lr. b IrtL . lE. h llr.t o[lil.Fds -uli b rtn ac o.bt[ b $l tt. u.. Frrtlt b bor oo-teottol Ou or9ey b b.o tFrttJ' .ild !!fq!4 Q. r.b-. .fo!b- ut .ar.rtt.t!3 oa tcs Ft3, tot Uch E rld to th.l! toE l. tR.i iht. tnioDtto! rUt t. ot !!tfg.-tc lo! ra ..N. tor .t ou t!U..t @rstt- D Ftgg srcta mt toq tev, tll && ollll.r tnc. 0q G aA-
THE CELOTEX CO., Dept.907 645 N. Mich. Ave.. Chicago, Ill.
Ptease send your book, Volume and Profit for Lumber Dealers.