1 minute read
The Tragcdy of
"And in my recollection', Answered Daddy, with a groan' "l can still see the selection Which you asked for, as a loan, Of a shingle for correction. You could hear my anguished tone From the Lumber Yird the whole way up to Main Street'
"But do you think it was just right For you to shingle me When you had been in that same plight) Well, we will let that be. Both you and I have seen a sight That Johnnie 'll never see For the Lrrmb.t Yard is tnoving up to Main Street'
"You saw a pile of boards and lath All open to the air And had to wade an old cow Path When you wished to get therc. You had io brave your parents' wrath But never did you care, For the Lumber Yard was very far from Main Street'
"l saw a somewhat different state' I saw them build a shed And then a fence and then a gate With 'KEEP OUT' overhead. And still we'boys would tempt our fate And dodge the foreman drcad, f"iift. L"tiU.t Yard was still quite far from Main Street'
"But John will never have the chance To do the things we did. He'll get no splinters in his pants. He'll not lie safely hid From pirate Blac*beard's cruel glance. The poor, unlucky kid! For the Lumber Yard is moving up to Main Strcet."