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IIoo Hoo
Hoo Hoo Concerns The Retailer
"Thc corner grocer would uot rurvivc long without thc confidcncc of neighboring hourewivcr. Thc lumber rctailcr murt bc cquallY cateemed, and therc ir but one united voice giving thc mcragc of lumbcrthat ir Hoo-Hoo. Bcridcr providing e conlnon grcund for all branchcr of thc lndurtry, thc Internetionel Ordcr rnd itr locrl clube havc dircct contact with thc public, etriving continually to win thc fricndrhip and confidcncc of thc wood-uring public."
'llandr of thc arcet lunbcr indurtry erc ticd by indccirion rnd leck of co-opcntion whilc orgenizcd wood rubrtitutcr intclcrtr continuc dccp inroedr into lcaitinetc wood burinor. Hoo-Hoo, through itr intcrnetionrl novcmcnt and locrl clubr, oFcrr e round rgcncy for unitcd voicc of lunbcrdorn, in thc protcction end pronotion of thc lumbcr indurtry productr."
"No onc ir in bcttcr porition to apprccietc nccd for co-opGrrtion in dcfcuc of wood productr in tbcir lcgitimrtc provinccr tlan rhin3lc mcn. Advcrrc dircriminrtory lcairIrtion rnd unf;rir propagudr hevc donc incrtiurblc injury to tLit indurtry. Hoo-Hoo rtrndr uneltcr. ebly end unfrltcringly for Wood Suprcnecy. lt ir to thc prrcticrl ar wcll m thc rcntincntd intcrclt of rhinglc rnen to rtrnd with HooHoo in dcfcnrc of wood productr. It offcrr pcrnrncnt worLinS forcc for lVood Suprcmecy."
Another Suggestion To The Industry In Its Entirety
"Forked roedr lic jurt ahcad for the Lumber Indurtryone ir thc Hoo-Hoo road to I unitcd, ptro.perour end rccurc indurtry through confdcnec rnd co-opcretion, end thc othcr r rough treil bcrct with thc rutr of indccirion, thc cobblcr of mirundcrrtending, erd hillr rurrnounteblc only by co'opGrrtiotr."
Another Suggestion
t\lfood productr cenaot rtrnd egrinrt poicrful or3rniucd conltctition whcn thclr dcfcadcry rtrnd ia locrl or lirnitcd nrtionel group.. Hoo-Hoo ir thc oaly intcrnrtionel dcfondcr of wood productr eld rtrndr dctcrminodly for \f,food Supr.lnrcy; Hoo.Hoo agcncy for dl Lumbcrdom and of no cliqucr. - lt rhould.bchoovc dl lunbormcn to pronotc itr wclferc to thc utmorl Tho Hoo-Hoo Club ir thc comnon rnccting ground for lunbormca ud rfrordr thc privilcac rttd opportuDity of e voicc in civic rnd indurtrirl nrttcit.tt
Another Thought
'TLc Lumbcr Indurtry crn 6nd no bcttcr egcncy for'thc dcvclopmcnt of hcdthy rclrtiou lnonS it. mcnbcrr rnd fricndly contrctr witb thc public thrn throu3h Hoo-Hoo clubr. Mcnbcrr rnd cligiblcr uurt not conridcr Concetcnrtio!. our only ictivity. 'Wc uc en or3rnin' tion of co-op.rrtion rnd Jorvicc.o

The Upson Co.
632 Upson Pt.
Lockport, N. Y.