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Upron Board can make more rnoney for you
Wise dealers are doubling wallboard earnings-are joining the ranks of the "Up With LJpsons" a.t
)UCCnSS creates enthusiasm
Consider yourself-good business spurs you on; bad business pulls you down. Take the business of selling wallboard.
If your wallboard sales have been satisfactory' you are enthusiastic about the wallboard you handle. If your experience "hasn't been so good," you are not very keen about it.
Invariably, the few dealers who do not believe that good wallboard is the nearest perfect wall and ceiling lining, have been prejudiced because of their experience with undepcndable wallboards, Or, they haven't been shown how to obtain attractive installations.
Llpson Board means more wallboard sales-because lJpson Board is depend.able!
One good job generally sells another ! And Upson Etoard has made good in every State under every condition.
Lumber and building material dealers who do not push wallboard, have never sold Upson Board. Upson Board is difrerent!
Certified tests by impartial laboratories prove it is harder, stiffer, and nearly twice as stron! as ordinary wallboard.
They prove that it will not buckle if properly applied; they prove that it resists hard knocks-heat colodampness; they prove that it saves from $5 to $15 a room in painting.
Actual service "on the wall" gives Upson Board the
What you say looks good to me, please send me complete information.
Address remarkable record of less than one complaint to every 8.000.000 feet sold and used.
The new lJpson Blue Book doubles your field of LJpson Board sales
You have heard of the remarkable newBluePrint and Decorative Service, already in the hands of many Upson dealers. It contains forty "detail" blue prints, a wealth of paneling and painting suggestions, pages of photographs showing possible Upson Board results. This new service will help you. With it you can sell fine Colonial or Queen Anne living rooms for new or old homes. You can sell beautiful tiled kitchens, laundries, baths.
You can sell jar-proof partitions in factories or mills, Upsonized interiors forbarbershops, gift shops, churches, lodge rooms, auditoriums, department stores, clothing stores, shoe stores.
You can be a leader or an "also,rantt -this page may decide which!
In every business a few are leaders-and those few reap the rewards!
The Upson Board sales we have described won't roll themselves into your lap; but they are there-waitingfor the man who Eoes after them.
Other dealers, no better situated than you, are getting them and increasing their wallboard profits; ten, yes, twenty--thirty per cent.
Why not clip the coupon; mail it; get the facts' It does not obligate you in any way. Lct us tell you how Upson Board can increase your profits.