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Los Angeles District Lumbermen's Club
By Mr. E. D. Tennant, Secretary-Manager
Since the last Birthday issue of California,s own Lumber lrad.e Paper, the_ mem-bers of the Los Angeles District Lumbermen's Club have steadily maintained' their policy of using -constructive educationai methods toward itipto.,n- ing merchandising conditions in the Los Angeles district.
That their efforts are influencinE better conditions is proven ly ttt. fa-ct that in spite of-over-expansion in the lumber business herg !y reasbn of a surplu3 of yards and a lessening demand- from the peak voiume of previous years, the majority of the yards aie carefully watchinE their costs. of doing business and have establish6d a sales"policy which under present intense competitive conditions ,iturr,. a small profit or at least assures-them their cost.
Their efforts would have been' even more decidedlv successful than _they are, but for the hampering, destructiv6, misguided methods of a few dealers who, Ty reason of their neglect. in. keeping accurate cost recoids, and urged on by thetr deslre for more and more volume of business. dre.persistently.following the wornout policy of selling lumber on no other basis-than that of always irying to bi lower than their competitor, using the old-timej prTmitive cut-price, auctioneering and barga--ining method'o^f selling, apparently,- never realizing thai they-are actually killin? their own business and helping to t6ar down and destro] the confidence and respect bi t-tre entire communitv in the Iumber industry.
-.-In -spite, however, of the above ill-advised, unbusinesslike, destructive competition, steady progr€ss is being made so that ev:ry- indicalion points to'cbntlnued impro?ement whereby the legitimate, wide-awake merchant wilt be able to establish and maintain his btsiness on a basis which will assure a square deal to both dealer and buyer and give the dealer a fair return on his investment.
Advancement has also been somewhat held back bv the attitude of some who believe in refusing to co-operaie or join in any movement for the bettering of trade conditions, preferring to stand aside and reap the benefit of the efforts of other dealers, keeping themselves free to slip under the other fellow when the occasion offers, forgetting that but for organized effort on the part of the broadminiied, right- thinking lumbermen, they would today be facing conditions of absolute demoralization in the retail lumber business of Southern California. 'It is a pity such dealers are not able, or are not willing to realize the position they occupy. It is certainly no1 an enviable on-e, and if tfey reaiiy are desirous of creating a business of real service to the community, the lumber industry and themselves, they will join in with their fellow lumbermen who are earnestly endgavoring to overcome present difficulties.
The lumbermen of the Los Angeles District rvho are striving to put the retail business on a sound basis, fully realize that the day has passed when slipshod, old-time methods, whereby each man digs in for himself regardless of the welfare of others, can prevail. The boom days are over, and the only road to permanent success is one by which all those engaged in the retail lumber business can conduct it with mutual regard for the rights of others, and a firm determination to secure the confidence and respect of the buying public, by letting them know that the lumber business is not a hit or miss auction market, but a business where the buyer will realize that he is paying a fair profit in return for real service, honest grades and a square deal for all concerned.
Panels Doors
M0RRlt[ and STUR6[0N tUMBtR 60.
Hoquian, Warh.
Menufacturcrr of (Greyr Hubo/'Yellow Fir
Laninetcd Panclr
Hoquiam, Warh.
Menufacturerr of Vcrticel Grain Fir Doorr
Can Make Prompt Shipment Straight or Mixed Can of Panelr and Doorr
Also Fir, Hemlock, Spruce Lumber
1214 Innrrance Exchenge Bldg., Lol Angelee, Repreeentative