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Photo Enlargcmentr of Wonderful Quality. Douglae Fir, Cedar, Sprucc, Hcm- Iock. Logging Scencr or Saw Mill Views.
Priccr NO\M: 15x30 in., g25ll; Z)x30 in., $3.51); lSxf) in., 96.lXl; 20x$ or 30x40 in" $750. Exl0 printe, g6 pcr doz. Mailed on Approval to Responsible Lumbermen
JOHN D. CRESS, l3im sevenrh Avenue ttForest Fotografertt seattte' waehington
Prompt Delivery
Added equipment no{v enabhs us to guarantee full shipmente of Perfection Brand Oak Flooring upon receipt of order.
The demand for Perfection has increased so rapidly that for the past season $'e have been scarcely able to keep up with this demand.
This growing popularity of Perfection can only be due to the perfect matching, uniform grading, and our national advertising in the leading home magazines.
We have some attractive folders and a new bautifully illustrated book which we will supply for distribution among prospective home buildeis. Ask for samples and full information.
Pine Blufi, Adraruat