1 minute read
A Quertion of Murcle or Machine
In every progressive industry, muscle is giving way to machinery and profits are grow' ing as a result.
No manufacturer nowadays can afiord to stick to old, cgtablished methods just be' cause they are old and established, without investigating the grcater profits which may be poseible by adopting the modern mechanical way of doing, things.
The Hilhe Lumber Piler brings efficiency to your yard just as modern equipment brings it to your mill. It affords DUtn€tous savings in labor, time, expenEe and damage to your product.
Artr for catrlog ud lct ur rcnd you full particulan. MURRY JACOBS CO.
One of the things to be remarked in hardwood circles is the growing use of Philippine woods. Heavy importations are being received in this market right along and Philippine woods are becoming an increasingly important factor in the hardwood business.
An outstanding event is the purchase by J. E. Higgins Lbr. Co. of the stock of Cadwallader-Gibson Lbr. Co. and also of the stock of E. F. Niehaus & Co' This amalgamation should tend greatly toward the stabilizing of conditions in the hardwood business, especially in Philippine woods. Ted Higgins is to be congratulated on his move.
White Brothers have recently enlarged their' yards and are bringing in heavy shipments of Philippine hardwoods to'take care of the demand.
Lillard Opens New Warehous€
Mark W. Lillard, Inc., a new Los Angeles incorporation, handline a complete warehouse stock of all kinds of sash and doo"rs, open6d the doors of their new warehouse at 6493 Stanford Avenue, about ten days ago.
Stocks are pouring in to the spacious new building, Fir doors from Oiegon, -hardwood slab doors from the eastern markets, panels of all descriptions, windows and sash from the Whitmer Jackson Company, at Albuquerque and a beautiful new rieneered mahogany door which has just been put on the market, and is being distributed by this company.