1 minute read
RedwoodAssociationHas Beautiful "Redwood Home Plans" Book off the Press for Dealers
The California Redwood Association has hot off the press the most pretentious single thing in the line of retail lumber dealers' helps that it has so far attempted in its campaign to help the dealer merchandise Redwood.
It is a beautiful booklet of 48 pages, attractively printed on heavy book paper, and containing 22 designs of small, all-wood homes, and the booklet itself is named "Redwood Home Plans."
The 22 designs contained in this book were selected from 78 submitted by certified architects in a small, all-wood
Losses Reported for Three Months by Cargo Mills
Seattle, June 4.-Operating losses averaging $0.02 per thousand feet of lumber manufactured were reported for the month of March by 71 sawmills affiliated with the West Coast Lumb€rmen's association. These operations manufactured and sold 256,287,000 feet of lumber in the month. A summary of the logging and manufacturing costs and sales returns as reported by the association to its members. follows: home competition held under the Francisco Chapter of the American and they are models of loveliness fection. auspices of the San Institute of Architects and architectural perto the retail trade. the
The booklet will be sold at cost price to be 25 cents each.
A great number of the booklets have already been ordered by the retail lumber trade of California. The drawings are typically Californian.
(Continued on Page 130)