1 minute read
Come to Think of It
"What is the matter with lumber?
"And why are your prices so high?
"There are plenty of trees 'n'
"There seems no good reason "That boards are so costly to buy!"
Both Sides Dry Simulaneously
Perhaps, Sir, those boards would be cheaper If you would not treat as a joke The fires that you light In the woods over night. It's YOUR money that goes up in smoke.
Perhaps you'd pay less for your building If you would be willing to use "B" or "C" where you could Because clear, select wood Is the costliest stuff you can choose.
Perhaps, Sir, your boards would last longer And there would be more to go 'round, If you would just paint All the places that-ain't And the posts where they go in the ground.
Perhaps the expense would be lessened If specifications would show An "8" where'twill do
Not a " 16"-(cut ofr 2)It's the long lengths that eat up the dough.
Perhaps you'd not kick about prices If you were familiar with trees.
In each log there can be
Just so much CIear-B-C; Not one foot more of iach can you squeeze.
This feature oI our oak lumber drying is one of the advanced methods which account for the invariably mirror-smooth surfaces in SUPERIOR BRAND OAK
uAmertca's Finefi"
It is accomplished by cutting our flooring stripe to the proper thickneaaWHILE GREEN. We do not resaw dry boarde at any stage. Thue both eides of the strip dry equally on the yard md ia the kiln. There ie no tendency lor one aide to dry more rapidly than the other.
Complete deta& oI thie procesa and other facton reeponsible lor Superior Braad'a ectual zuperiority are intereetingly set {orth in our spedal book lor dealen, which may be had lor the aeling. Writc lor your copy today, ec well ae for quotatione on correct ocl fluiry rtquilcrneota.
Kiln and Air Dried Uppen
Crreen Clcan and C,ommonr