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Hoo Hoo Enjoyed Prosperous and Progressive Year in California
Never before in Hoo Hoo history has the great Concatenated Order of the Black Cat enjoyed so fine a year in California, as the twelve months just past.
It has NOT been a year of voluminous Concatenations, and adding great numbers to the list. It has been fully impressed upon the Hoo Hoo of California that the Order is fast nearing its maximum membership, 9999 in good standing, and that the time for taking in members indescriminately has passed.
So, during the past year, the Concatenations with one exception have been very small ones from a standpoint of initiates.
But socially and fraternally Hoo Hoo has been doing wonders, and has been bringing better acquaintance, better understanding of one another, good will and personal appreciation among lumbermen, into all the lumber districts of California.
Be it known to all the lumbermen of California that in no other state in this union is there anything to compare with the amount of social activity among lumbermen and their families as there is here in California. In fact, most lumber districts have been known more for their entire lack of sociability among the lumber folks, than for its presence, and there are not many lumber districts-were almost none until the Hoo Hoo Clubs came into existence -in the entire country where the lumbermen and their families meet frequently in purely social gatherings like they do in California.
Hoo Hoo has done this thing for this state, and it is a work that must not be minimized in its great usefulness, for it has meant much to California. When, in other lumber districts, you tell of the wonderful social times of various character, that the lumber people enjoy so continuously in California, you are listened to with amazement.
And while the Hoo Hoo Clubs have brought the lumber people closer together socially in other districts than they used to be, that movement is still new, and there is no approach to the California lumber spirit to be found elsewhere..
Since the First of Jaly, 1924, there have been ten Hoo Hoo Concats in California, one at Santa Cruz, two at Los Angeles, two at San Francisco, one at San Diego, one at Stockton, one at San Jose, one at Susanville, and one at Oakland, at which slightly more than two hundred new members have been added to the rolls of Hoo lfoo, and about fifteen reinstatements have been made.
Hoo meetings. There are }foo Hoo meetings of a social character several times every week, some here in California.
During the past twelve months four new Hoo Hoo Clubs have come into existence in California, at Fresno, Westwood, Susanville, and Oakland, and all four of them are thriving and progressing, with plenty of enthusiasm manifested, and much good wood accomplished. This gives California a total of seven Hoo Hoo Clubs, the previous three having been located at Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco. Two of these are weeklies, Los Angeles and San Diego, and they have been functioning for years with undiminished interest and usefulness.
But Hoo Hoo does not confine itself to its selfish interests, social and business affairs. Hoo Hoo is deeply interested in helping the other fellow, and in every Hoo Hoo Club there is charity work being done, and this work is always in the hands of a class of committeemen who give their heart interest to accomplishing good. Los Angeles, for example, has been contributing to helping the crippled children of the city for year's, endowing two cots in a crippled children's hospital in the beginning. Wherever there is help needed, the Hoo Hoo organization will be found in the front rank.
When the great tornado devastated Southern Illinois and Indiana not many months ago, the Hoo Hoo of California rushed a relief fund of $2,800 to the general fund of helping the needy and afflicted.
Hoo Hoo has also taken an active interest in the progress of modern forestry work in California, and held a special forestry meeting at Fresno only a short time ago, alsd appointing a special and active forestry committee to work with the authorities generally in promoting greater and better forestry activities.
California has for years been the chief stronghold of I{oo Hoo, and what California has done for Hoo Hoo in giving strength, and aid, and co-operation to the Order, Hoo Hoo has returned tenfold to California in the valu'e that the Order has been to the lumber people and the lumber industry of California.
Hipolito Has Arizona Agent
Mr. Percy I. Merithew, of Phoenix, representing several well known manufacturers and distributors of building materials, has added another winner to his string, in the Hipolito line of window screens.
But the social affairs, lunches, dinners, banquets, picnics, He has just completed arrangements with Mr. H. L. dances, auto trips, golf tournaments, etc., have amounted Rosenberg, of the Hipolito Company, to represent this comduring the past twelve months into many hundreds of Hoo pany, in the entire state of Arizona.