1 minute read
Moistite under exteriorfinish
Almost every type of building can use MOISTITE, the new waterproof sheathing. This shows the vast market and the opportunity of the lumber yard dealer.
Arehitects, contractors and builders recognize in MoISTITE the kind of waterproof building paper they have been waiting for as it fills the bill of efficiency and economy.
MOISTITE can be used in new construction and in repairing old buildings. There are dozens of uses for it on the farm.
MOISTITE is backed with a practical merchandising and advertising campaign including many effective dealer helps.
The Zellerbach Paper Company is now appointing dealers. Call at the nearest division or send the coupon for samples of MOISTITE, descriptive literature, the merchandising and advertising plan and other information which shows how the lumber dealer can cash in with this new waterproof sheatbing.
Zellerbach Paper Company
Exclusive Pacific Coart Distributors
San Francisco, Sacrarnento, Los .A,ngeler, Portland, Spokane, Oakland, Frerno, San Diego, Seattle, Salt Lake City
Manufactured by the National Paper Productr Co., Stockton, Calif.
Zellerbach Papcr Company, 562 Battery Street, San Francicco, Calif.
Without obligation on my part, please send me samples of Moistite, descrlptive booklet and the merchandising and advertising plan.