2 minute read
Interesting F'acts and Figures Concerning Western Door Sales
Never before was there a year in which so many interesting changes took place in western door distribution as daring 1924.
So far as production is concerned, nothing dramatic happened. California pine doors advanced in production from 993,000 to 1,115,000, a very substantial increase.
Douglas Fir doors increased bpproximately one hundred thousand in production, the 1923 figures being 7,075,W against 7,179,000 f.or 1924.
California used more of her own white pine doors in 1924 than in 7925, the comparative figures being 165,000 for 1923, and 209,000 for 1924.
Douglas Fir doors from Washington and Oregon fell off sharply last year in California consumption, the figures for 1923 being 1,192,000 doors consumed in California, and in 1924,846,000.
California Pine doors took their biggest jump in consumption in Texas, where 179,000 were bought in 1923, and 317,000 in 1924, the largest increase by far shown in any state.
The figures would indicate that California Pine door makers had centered on Texas in 1924 and dropped their efforts in other territories. For instance, Connecticut, Illinois, Missouri, New York, Ohio, reduced their consumption of California Pine doors, New York showing the sharpest reduction. Yet the increase in Texas was double the loss in those other states. On the other hand Michigan jumped from 6,000 to 61,000 in consumption, making a nice entry on the credit side of the ledger. Oklahoma just about held her own, remaining one of the big consumers.
The figures for Douglas Fir doors show some interesting things, in addition to the falling off in California. They dropped off sharply in Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Oregon, and took huge forward strides in Alabama, District of Columbia, Florida, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. Texas increased from 170,000 in 1923 to 253,000 in 1924, or a total increase in door consumption from the Pacific Coast of 22I.m doors between 1923 and 1924.
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With the exception of New York, Texas buys more Pacific Coast doors than any other state.
But it must be understood that the pine doors actually manufactured in California are small in number compared with the pine doors manufactured from California ,Pine OUTSIDE of California.
The California White & Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association estimate that outside the State of California there are from eight to ten million doors manufactured annually out of the various western pines, including California pine, Pondosa Pine, Idaho white pine, etc., of which total California probably furnishes 65 per cent. Most of these doors are manufactured in the Mississippi Valley, in the east, and in Texas territory. Figures on their distribution and consumption are not available.

Hardwood Men At Sea
William T. "Btrz" White, President of White Brothers "Hardwood Headquarters" of San Francisco, and I-e Roy J. "Roy" Stanton, President of E. J. Stanton & Son of Los Angeles, are both visiting Europe with their wives. Though they are not traveling toggther it happened that they irossed the Atlantic on the same ship, the BERENGARIA, leaving New York May 27th.
There were hany hot contests in deck golf, shuffle board and bther games. .Roy being rather a nifty golfer on shore had a little edge on Buz in deck golf but when it came to shufile board Buz took all the money. As they played every day, it is reported that Buz had a tidy roll of Los Angeles money when they parted company at Cherbourg.