1 minute read
3it0 Chapnan Buildins' Lo Anseh! Phone VAndike 4912
"The Sayin$s of Mr. Sap"
(Sounds Suspiciously Like Our Mr. Pip)
"This here servis station bizness is like most any other high way robbery. You gotta get yourn before someone else shortchangbs you when you ain't lookin'.
"I ain't never ben no hand to place no store in these new fandangled idears 'bout honesty in bizness. If thar is such, yer Uncle Ike never met up with it much. All's I can see about dealing out gasoline is too have some on hand when people comes along fer it. If they w4nt some, you sell it. If'n they don't want some, you can't sell it if you sell it fer a cent a gallon and chuck in a quart of red engine ile on top.
"f axes you, what in Tarnation's Tafry's the use o' paintin' up and scrubbin' up and makin' yer station look like a cross 'tween a bootlegger's dream and a barber pole? Gimme some gasoline in the storage tank and some good ol' engine ile an' I be all set to do bizness when the rest of them pump pushers is cryin' fer bread. How? Why' I jest cuts my price on gas a cent and my ile I sells for 10c a pint. That brings 'em. 'Course they don't stay long, but when I lose them, down goes my price again and up goes my bizness. Simple. All you gotta have is a head on yer shoulders."
-service Station News, Los Angeles.