4 minute read
Mrdera Su*r, Pin.
A Tnre White Pine Water CureLAir Dried
Nothing could be better for pattern gtock and planing mill lumber for all purposes, than our wide, thick, soft textured lumber. lt comes from California Sugar Pine trees, which are famous for their exceptional gize and quality.
Bor Shoolc end Cut-up Mrtcridr
Crprcity 300,000 Fort Drily
Medcr+ Calif.
Our far-reaching search for the best hardwoods in all.parts of the worldOur large plant for the kiln drying and storage of lumber and manuficture of veneers-
Our extensive facilities.and varied stocks -all have but one themeSERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS

"CAT " PfNf-Guardian Of the Grades-the head of our Association inspection force, says he doesn't know anything about advertising, but when the advenising manager tells him the advenisement reproduced herewirh is beins read by mbre than a million people"interest'ed in building, it meani thit his inspection force and the Association mill-giaders havesimplygot to beon the job every minuteto makesure that California \fhite and Suqar Pine lumber isproperly and uniformlfgrad ed.
In this way the California Pine Door will continue to measure up to the verdictof America's great wood jury-that "It's the Great American Door."
Besure to read this advenisementfrom staft to finish, and remember that prospective homebuilders, right in your lo-zlity, by the hundreds-perhaps thousands-are doing the same thing.
Might be a good idea to have Pine doors, made of fine, soft pine from California, in your stock at all times. You never can tell who may come in aqd ask -and vou don't want io send then awav ;to some other devaler.
HE Gnner Ar'rsRrcAN Doon is the name qhat hp beengiven to doors made of California Pine-be- cause most ofAmerica's well built homes have doos constructed ofthis frne wood.
Men whose business requires a knowledge of wood-values-Aherica's great wood iurv-know that the Dropenies possessed' by California Pine }av:e beed the san&rd of 6oe woods sioce tbe Pilgims landed.
The large sash and door manuftctuiers, fot insanie, have made Califomia Pine the verv backbone of their entire industry. Th6v know that no otherwoods meet ttie reqtiirements for doorserviceand window. sash service-the two most exacting general uses towhich any soft wood can bepuc
One of the largest of these menuihctur. crs says, io his book on doors:
". doon made ofsolid C-aliforoia Pine, a soft, close-grained, weather-resisting wood- It has more of the qualities of the old Nonhern Pine than ariy wood being cutto&v in suficient quantities toprorride for the production of3oft wood doors. It is a wodd suitable for paint or sain and in our iudcement is tlie best wood from whiih t-o make solid doors. Larse panels usually swell, shrink, or check, but these are made from carefullv selected California Pine and uue economv results in the purchase of the better anide.;."
Doorsare perhaps the most used pans of the home. That ealifornia Pine-Doors meet the most exacting service requirements is proved bv theEct that rnorithan fve milli6n such doors areaonually placed in the homes ofAmerica-. '
By using California Pine for doors, and other oans ofvour home. vou will have a better'home tlc live in. th'e minimum of repairs, and the maxim.- tesale value, shbuld you ever want to sell.
"Doon" oulrxrrBs. and others of like valuc. make-Califotnia Pine the favored woo'd fot practically every homebuilding purpose, such as:
Vindout frames and sash, exterior siding and trii, intcrior anooduorh, mantck, cabinctt, hokcases, bdlt-in conamimea, ctc,, st/wual framixg, thcatbing, stb' .flurioC, potthct, trellis, garcuap' aE
Oon't StandBlindfoldd
Vben Tot Bxild
Evcyonc who buildse home should Lnor lhc ABC'g of buildhg. Our ftcc 4&page illustnted book 'Pioc Homcs" containr vdueblc hooe' buildiag infotmetion set fonh in rirople, cssily undcrstood teros, with grrphic illustntionr of thc vrrious operations incidcnt to conctruction; dso neny rcoroductions of rtttactive hoocr. l{n hour's time witb tbis book ta&cs tlrc mystery outofbuildioa Simply 6lI out thc coupon tod mril now. It's FREB. mtu buk atill be smtFRBE. Sinply fll in tbe coapon and mail atto.
Cdifornie lChite and Suerr Pine Manufocnrrcrs Assn, 668 CaX Blds.,Sen Frencisco. Plasc send your book " Pinc Homcc."
</bo lmdrccr of Califonia Vbitc Fir Califonia Doselas Fir ' (alifonia Imt (e&

(Continued from Page 110)
Summary for Three Months
Of the operations reporting 28 were classified as inland mills and 29 as tidewater. Lumber costs and lumber sales from these two classifications for January, February and March' were as totto*Lr"rrd Milrs

' Short Length Yard Lumber
In a recent survey, conducted by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, the production of short length yard lumber during 1924 was found to be slightly more than 3 billion board feet. This is based on the assumption that 85 per cent of the total cut of softwood lumber of 30,000,000,000 feet, or 25,500,000,000 feet, was yard lumber and that 12 per cent of this amount consists of lumber of lengths 9 feet and shorter.
The information from u'hich these data are compiled is based on authentic reports received from softwood iumber manufacturers, who, during that period, produced 3,340,000,000 feet of yard lumber.
The amount of short length lumber, unavoidably produced in ordinary saw and planing mill operations,-varies considerably between the various species. In California white and sugar pine, it is slightly less than 8 per cent of the total production, while in Northern hemlock it is practically 20 per cent. This variation is due not only to the inherent characteristics of woods and the uses to which they are put, but also to the policy of individual lumber manufacturers on the shortest length they consider economical to save.
California Buyers Drive Hard Bargain
Although California continues to consume a large volume of lumber the buyers are clever enough to take full advantage of the poor sales methods of the producing fields and no matter how low prices go they succeed in beating them still lower.
The unfortunate feature of the California market is that a large number of mills in the Northwest have their operations so arranged that they have to put a heavy percentage of their output into that territory, having no fatilities for disposing of it otherwise economically. At the present time only a small portion of the lumber being consumed in California is brought for mill shipment and as long as this abominable practice of consigning stock there unsold continues, the market will remain demoralized:
Building permits recently taken out all over the Bear State insure a heavy consumption of lumber for the balance of this year. Whether it will be sold at a profit to the mills rests entirely in their own hands.-Q1e1y's Index, June 15.