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"Above Everything-Beauty, Economy and Protection !"
The California Home Owner-Pioneer House Design Competition, which ended June lOth, produced seventy beautiful designs and plans of small homes roofed with Pioneer Yosemite Roclc Surfaced Shingles. Every design is a convincing tes' timonial to the beauty of Pioneer Yosemite Rock Surfaced Shinglesthsss 16s1imonials are going into the hands of thousands of prospective home builders! In connection with the competition for architects we are conducting a Prize Voting Contest for people interested in building and thousands have entered to vote and try for one of the prizes of $250, $ | 50 and $ | 00 payable in Pioneer Yosemite Rock Surfaced Shingle roofing.
With thousands interested in Pione:r Shingles, with reproductions of the seventy beautiful designs being mailed to them for their votes it is not hard to see why the demand for Pioneer Yosemite Reck Surfaced Shingles has become 500% greater since May lst. If you have not already communicated with us in regard to our plan for putting the names of these prospects in the hands of our dealers do so at once. The Voting Contest does not end until July | 0, 1925, and hundreds of new prospects are entering every day.
Cash in on this opportunity-write today for the full details and the names of the prospects in your territory! Address all communications to Director of Sales, Box | 20, Arcade Station, Los Angeles, Cal.
Pioneer Paper Co., Inc.
Ertablirhcd 1888
Pionccr Manufacturer a Conpletc Line of Roofingc and Building Papcre
Lor Angelcr
San Francirco