1 minute read
How to make the Building-Loan of immense value to the lumber and construction industries.
Every person engaged in the lumber and construction business should be a leader in bringing the public into building-loan.
Every dollar invested in B-L goes directly ll.land exclusrvely rnto construction and homebuilding.
B-L Associations are really agents of the construction industries in organizing cash capital for their benefit.
Note the class of men composing METROPOLITAN'S management and write us TODAY for complete information.
HARVEY M. TOY, President. Owner and Manager Hotel Manx, San Francisco; Chairman State Highway Commission.
GEO. S. WALKER, Vice-Pres. President National Mortgage Company, San Francisco; State Assemblyman and Senator, 1901-1911; State Building and Loan Commissioner, l9l1-1924.
C. M. WOOSTER, Vice-Pres. and Manager, President C. M. Wooster Company, San Francisco; Chairman State Land Settlement Board.
DUDLEY C. WATSON, Secretary. Formerly with Northern California Building and Loan Association, San Francisco.
THOMAS M. GARDINER, President Citizens Building & Loan Association, San Francisco.
WILLIAM E. BOUTON. Secretary Fidelity Building & Loan Association, San Francisco; Secretary State Build- ing and Loan League.
SAMUEL C. SYMON. President Northern California Building and Loarr Association, San Francisco
L. H. BURNETT. Burnett Bros., jewelers. San Fran- cisco. Chain stores, Washington, Oregon, Caiifoinla.
_ BEN W. REED. President Reed Lumber Company, San Francisco; Manager Lumber Associati,on of- Sa-n Francisco.
_ H. S. THOMSON. Lumberman, Thomson Lumber Co., San Francisco.
B..GRANT TAYLOR. Clerk of Supreme Court of Calirornra-
CHESTER I. DENNIS. Banker, San Francisco.
B. KATSCHINSKI. Proprietor philadelphia Shoe Co. Stores, San Francisco, Oakland.
A. T. NOE, M. D. Physician, San Francisco.
WALTER M. WELI-S. Real Estate, Oakland, Californta.
WILFRED G. METSON. Investor, San Francisco.
J. H. ROBERTS. Banker, San Francisco.