2 minute read
Some Do-Some Don't
By Floyd A. Dernier, Lumbermen's Service Assn.
Some lumber merchants make money-some break even. while others lose.
, tr{"ny times local conditions play an important part in profit making, while in the majority of insiances it i. unreasonable competition and poor merchandising methods on the part of the dealer.
The business of selling building materials has graduated into a real profession-no longer is it possible-to equip ? ya,rd with lumber and an office with eas chairs and wait for business to come in. Folks don't buy lumber and make improvements nowadays until they hive first consulted competent authority, studied plans and determined in advance just what they are to get for their investment.
Other business interests avail themselves of every possible avenue for creating business-they fully realize that there are just so many dollars coming intb their trade territory each day, week, month and year for investment and that the firms with.the greatest appealing and inducements attract these dollars. Analyze this thought please and with the assurance that no other business ls able to offer as much to you in happiness, contentment, protection and real money value, and with the knowledge that every- body is hungry for practical and competent information on , just what and how to build, coupled with the detailed serv-
;: ice that is available for you to use, there are no reasons rl wh-I business should ever be dormant with building maIi terial merchants. ii e Plan Service can be made the most important depart1l ment of your business. Simply installing -a plan seivice ; and then let_it lay around dormant isn't going to get you anywhere. You must advertise the fact that you are prepared and fully equipped to convey practical inforrnat'ion on home building-make your arguments so strong that prospective builders will feel they cannot afford to start improvements until they have first advised with you.
An outside salesman to create business is a good method. Have him systematize and zone your territory;-instpll a card system that will advise necessary improvements each lot and land owner should make-they will welcome the information and advice your salesmin can give them, and this modern method of co-operation not only creates business but practically eliminates competition. See that these prospects receive a suggestive folder each month featuring and explaining about various improvements.
A printed bungalow book is a very creative medium. A catalogue of modern building ideas works for you continually; they are always retained and give builders ideas and suggestions for distinctive, conveni,ent homes. Remember also that each satisfied home owner will be a perpetual booster and the pleasing new home will instill desires for other improvements.
In advertising'never use just cold type copy, always illustrate your messages; it's the pictures that people are 'interested in-, and when featuring any particular thing that they are in geed of or long to acquire if illustfated it will receive more careful attention. That is why so many progressive dealers are making such pronounced success featuring and advertising a completed home at a price. These dealers have come to know that home builders are not specially interested in boards, stucco, shingles, etc., or the price at which they are sold-they want a home containing 3 giv,en number of rooms and they want to.know what it is going to cost complete. , Advertising homes at a specified figure isn't obligating you in any way-your part is to simply select the plan, have some competent iontractor give you a figure that he will build the home for embodied into an agreement that can be transferred to whoever accepts your offer; under this plan you are co-operat- ing with contractors, helping them to get business, which ties them closer to you, and creating nbn-competitive ma-
(Continued on page 149)