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Ketchem Lumber Company Puts Over Good Deal
While driving out toward Newton recently, we called at the Ketchem Lumber Company and were surprised at the business they were doing. "Things seem to be gbod here, Mac," I remarked. "It was very quiet over at Ladown's Yard."
"\Me have no cause for complaint," smiled Mac, after he had cautioned the truck driver about loading too heavily. "You see this is an up-and-coming town. They want the best here. When the young folks marry and build a home, the wife wants hardwood floors, not just in the living rooms, but all through the house. The floors that mother used to mop are as scarce as her pies nowadays. She wants classy woodwork that won't show dents or scratches, breakfast furniture built to match the breakfast nook-but it must all be hardwoods.
"Business commenced getting pretty slack with me. I couldn't afford to stock up with hardwoods to supply my trade. They always wanted a different size or grade from the one I had in stock. It meant a large investment to keep an assortment on hand. I was about worried sick; had just discontinued my coal and wood line when gas came into the town and now I was forced to get more capital in the business to supply tlre wants of my customers.
"'Well, to make a long story short, one day Charlie blew into the yard-you know Charlie Cooper. He is the son of W. E. of the W. E. Cooper Lumber Co. I told him my troubles end he quickly showed me a way out of them. All I do now is send them my hardwood orders, whether one piece or a carload. They carry an immense stock and can take care of me right. If I say 'Rush' Charlie steps on it and believe me ! the order is here on time. Lots of speed to Charlie. Some people think he is pretty peppy, but he sure gives good service.
"It has been a pleasure to deal with the W. E. Cooper Lumber Co. They are certainly square shooters. If I want any adjustrnents, I go to W. E. It is a matter of pride with him to have everything running smoothly and everybody happy.
"Yes, business is good with me and increasing daily, but you have to grow with the town and step out of your little rut and be as big yourself as you want your business to be to make a success of it, for, after all, success is not how much money you have made, but how well you have done it."