7 minute read

Ioints a,re

Profin fo, dealqs are well def'ned and distittct

Introduced at a time wheo something new was needed to caPture a fast' moviog temodeling and repair mar' ket, Recessed Edge Sheetrock* aod

Perf-A-Tape* quickly dominated the field. In fact sales of these two comParatively new products have soared to heights that have made them the season's sensation.

Recessed Edge Sheeaock and Perf'A'Tape meet the most nrgent need in the wallboard market-a producg the application of which gives a wall with stroogr smooth and completely concealed ioints. Il ros're not bandlins Recessed Hge Sbeetrcck and Ped-A-Tape iiut, bttuant morep-mfitstmm tbeiemodeling aryd rcp-air methet' fill in tbe cozbon beloat and set it on its utay today, It uiu bttng '!os a story thZt u,ill sbout yi bout to get tbose ptofits,

United States Gypsum Company









30o Vest Adams Street, Chicago, Illinois ci""""""" "s'4te" CI-M17

Please seod me at once full information on Recessed Edge Sheetrock and Perf-A-TaPe. Namc..........


(Continued from Page 6) stock and merchandise a good line of paints. The reason is a practical one. A splendid board with a rotten coat of paint is, to all appearances, a rotten board.' If I were a dealer f would try to sell the paint to cover every board I sold, and I would likewise make it my business to see that the customer got a good painter to put the stuff on. (I sometimes wonder if the paint folks notice that we have written and published more original paint editorials than all the other lumber journals in history, combined?)

In the old, old d"y, irr*tnJ Pine industry in the South, there were just two lumber grades, Star and Common, the Star being the upper grade. Once a dealer had sold a man some alleged Star lumber, and the customer kicked on the grade. "That isn't Star lumber" said the excited customer; "look at those knots." "Silly" said the lumber dealer; "those aren't knots-those are Stars."

During the first ,"r- l, 6"ol*" Washington as president of the United States the entire annual expenditures of the Federal Government was about $2,500,000, or sixty cents per head for the entire population.

The early Romans ""ialnJy J.r,ra anu world's first great system of roads "that men might meet." A famous traveler of modern days says: "Traveling is not only a pleasure to people of our time, but is a duty." **rl.

The street gag, "Has sex come to stay, or is it only a fad?" reminds me of the two grizzled cab drivers parked outside Madison Square Garden one night not long ago. The annual Automobile Show was going on inside, and outside the streets were a solid mass of motor vehicles. Pat puffed on his corncob pipe refectively for so,me time, and then remarked; "Corrigan, do you know what I think? I think the automobile has come to stay."

>t< {< *

Keep smiling.' Pray daily that your sense of humor may not go back on you. Increase your daily investment in fellowship. Remember that animation, good cheer, and enthusiasm are very practical and tangible assets of modern business.

Tom Dreier used to tell th] ,lory ot the tumberjack in British Columbia who lives at peace with the world, and wants nothing but to stay that way. He makes his abode in a blossom-covered cottage on the edge of the forest. A rich visitor commiserated with him one day upon his poverty, urging him to go out into the world, and, with his fine intelligence, make something of himself. "What would I do with money?" asked the satisfied one. "With money," replied the visitor, "you could go places." "lfell !" exclaimed the lumberjack; "ain't I some place now?"

Cqmino Quolity Lumber scrtjs{ies customers becouse of cqreful mqnufqcture lrom splendid timber, qnd core in seosoning, hondling ond shipping.

'We hove o well qssorted stock reody for immediote shipment of this fine-grcined even-textured true White Pine.




SASH and SCREEN DOORS with STEEL SASH (Ccdmium Plcted)


Pictured Above.

Sugcr pine mcrtericl. Removable screen section. Acme spring scrsh bclcnce. Clip springs prevent rcttle. Ccdmium plcrted sieel sash. (Rust Proof)

Scrsh locked lrom inside.

Iron brcrce holds pcmel in plcrce. Sash slides in metcl track.

Panels treqted two sides with Rez Secrler. Weep holes in bottom rail to cllow drcincge.

Bob Oggood Returns From-Long John E. Marshall's Picnic July 10 Eastern Sales Trip

Bob Osgood, sales manager for Cadwallader-Gibson Company, of Los Angeles, has just returned from a four months' sales trip that took him to all the hardwood consuming centers of the country from Grand Rapids, Michigan, to the Carolinas. In addition to his sales efforts he put in much of his time doing missionary work for Philippine Mahogany, and he reports that the hardwood users of the East demonstrate a constantly growing knowledge of and interest in the beautiful woods of the Philippines. He believes that when the up-swing comes again (and he believes that this is going to be a big lumber using year before it is over), Philippine will be merchandised among the furniture and other large eastern manufacturers in the face of a great deal less sales resistance than it ever has before.

While admitting that Philippine sales have been unusually slow of late, he thinks a big bulge in business in general and hardwoods in particular, is decidedly imminent.


M. A. Harris, president of Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Company, San Francisco, was local host to members of the wood industry at the 29th annual Rotary fnternational Convention, held in San Francisco June 20 to 24. This group met in the Palace lfotel, June 21. John M. Feller, Feller Lumber Company, Leavenworth, Kansas, was chairman of the group.

It's picnic time again, and John E. Marshall's second annual wing-ding will be held at Royal Palms, San Pedro, Sunday, July 10, "from sun up to sun down." Mr. Marshall invites all his friends to come and bring their families or your best girl.

Tickets can be secured at the John E. Marshall, Inc., docks at Long Beach (Telephone Long Beach 662-4I), and from J. O. Means, the company's Los Angeles representative, 328 Petroleum Securities Building (Telephone PRospect 0615).


There was a big turnout at the Lumbermen's Hi-Jinks held at the Cafe De Paree,. Los Angeles, Friday evening lnne 17. Nearly 300 were present, including lumbermen from all sections of Southern California. The party was sponsored by Lumbermen's Post, No. 4O3, of the American Legion.

Dinner was served at 7:OO P. M. and was followed by a fi.ne entertainment program.

Les Breiner Visits Mill

Les Breiner, assistant to Glenn O. Fogleman, resident manager of The California Door Company, Los Angeles, left June 27 by autom,obile for a visit to the company's Sugar Pine sawmitl and woods operations at Diamond Springs, Eldorado County.

He is accompanied by his wife and boy, and expects to be gone about 1O days. seGoods or remodeling-for residcartial, cornmercial, or public buildings.

Write fot complctc informatio about Armstrong'r Tcolot Dc Lu:e, end !aEple!, to Arnstrong Cork Products Company, Builrting Matcrialc Divirion, 1008 Conord StFeeg Lscest6, PcEsylvmia.

Radwood Empire Dealers Meet

The regular monthly meeting of the Redwood Empire Lumbermen's Club was held at Ukiah, Tuesday evening, June 14. George M. Cornwall addressed the meeting.' J.

T. Noonan and John O. Rognas, Federal Housing Administration, San Francisco, also discussed in detail Titles 1 and 2 of the Nati,onal Housing Act.

Those attending were:

Lee Maper, The Diamond Match Company.'. ,. ,.Ukiah

Alex L. Klunas, The Diamond Match Company. ....Ukiah

W. Drisbach, The Diamond Match Company. ....Petaluma

Jack Hughes, The Diamond Match Company. ...Petaluma

Ray Reading, The Diamond Match Company, ..Lakeport

Larry Tibbitts, The Diamond Match Company........Sebastopol

Will L. Jones, The Diamond Match Company... Lakeport

John Schlosser, Mendocino County Retail Lumber Co., Fort Bragg

L. E. Grimes, Mendocino Lumber Company. .....Medocino

Henry Laws, Ilenry Laws Company..... .....Santa Rosa

Steve Yaeger, Ifenry Laws Company..... ......Santa Rosa

R. M. Allison, Willits Lumber Company. ...Willits

Geo. T. Heyward, Willits Lumber Company. ....Willits

J_as. E. Clarke, Calistoga Lumber Company. Calistoga

Chas. Garrison, Two Rock Commercial Co.. ...Two Rock

Sam Garrison, Two Rock Commercial Co.. ....Two Rock

H. T. Hardman..... .,...Santa Rosa f

John O. Rognag Federal Housing Administration..,San Francisco

$ay B1og, A. F. Sjev_ens Lumber Co.. . Lakeport

Russ Stevens A. F. Stevens Lumber Co., . Healdsburg

Jim Paterson, A. F. Stevens Lumber Co..... ....Lakeoor1

Geo. M. Cornwall, The Timberman..... ....San Francisco

Bill Bittenbender, Bittenbender Lumber Co.. .Ukiah

Lloyd Bittenbender, Bittenbender Lumber Co..... ...Ukiah

L. D Gilbert,.Hq4d.sburg Lumber Co..... .....Healdsburg

E. H. Shimmin, Ukiah Farmers Club... .....Ukiaf, Chas. Knight. Ukiah Farmers Club... .......Ukiah

J. D. Bryce, Ukiah Farmers Club. ....Ukiah

Russel W. Enik, Ukiah Farmers Club. ...Ukiah

R. J. Gilbert, Ukiah Farmers Club. ....Ukiah

I-. B. Blinn, The Pacific Lumber Co..... ....San Francisco lack Louden,The Pacific Lumber Co..... ....Scotia

E. Artlet Holmes Eureka Lumber Co.. Eureka

$qqr.] Q, Clark, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co............Eureka

I M.r9nidell, Hammond R-edwo_od Company. .Arcata l(ay )nannon, Unron Lumber Company. ....San Francisco

S. .T. Hauge, Secretary, Redwood Empire Lumbermen's Club.. ...Santa Rosa

I. T. Leitner,_Mead Clark Lumber Co... .......Sa"ta noii

H. J.. Latell, Sterling Lumber Co.. Sa"ta noia

P. Str-eip.eke,F!...Ij"g Lumber Co..... .Santa Rosa Don Mullins, Sterling Lumber Co...,. ...penngrove Maurice M. Daubin. Sterling Lumber Co..-.-,'.. ...peta"luma

Stain Protects Roofs And Sidewalls

Golden State Creolineum Stain for shingle roofs and sidewalls, manufactured by Western Wood preserving Company, 70O6 Stanford Avenue, Los Angeles, for the past 27 years, is distributed through lumber dealers over a wide territory.

A number ,of orders have recently been shipped to Texas, wtiich is the largest shingle consuming state. California is a close second in shingle consumption.

This stain is available in 14 attractive shades, and the manufacturers claim that it has extraordinary weatherproofing qualities, due to the addition of special oils and the use of the highest quality materials and special processes.

Back From Camp

Charles B. Cross, salesman for Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco, who is a Lieutenant in the l43rd Field Artillery (National Guard), has returned from attending the annual maneuvers at Lehigh, Utah.

'?trul Bunyca'C' CALIFOBMA PINES

Solt Ponderosc

Sugcn Pine




is whct the builder buy* He pcrys lor matericl PLUS lcbor. He wcmtE good appearGrnce, low upkeep cnd lavorcble first cosL

The lcct thct "Pqul Bunycrn's" CAUFORNIA PINES cre so widely used for lirst clcrss doors is a recommendation lor the doors and lor the pine*

These doors ccm be hung with the minimum eflort cmd time. They hold their shcrpe, tcke pcrints economicclly cmd give lcsting sctisfqction.




TRADI tgErzl IFE' \Wf \'Sttitt --t Y-' Ng MARI(

Sdce Olicc: 715 Vc.rtera Pacific Bldg., loll So. Brordvry lTerchouc: L. C L. Vholerelc, 7O2 B. Sleuron Avc. SAN FRANCISCO

Selcr OGce: 315 Monadaocl Buitdin3


Saler Oficc: 9O8 Finrinciel C,elrter Building

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