2 minute read

You Only Knew!

Bv Jack Dionne

There is hcrdly a home in this lcnd that doesn't need YOU,lv1r. Building Merchqnt.

They needed you this spring, they will need you in the summer, il will be no dillerent in the Icrll, cnd when winter rolls crround they will still be in that scmre fix. They will NEED you. Mcny of them mcry not know it. Genercrlly specking, YOU wiU not know iL but il will be c lact iust the scme. They NEED you.

They need someone to do their BIIII^DING THINBING lor them. Is thct YOU,lvlr. Lumber Merchcnt, or isn't it?

The THEY I cm tclking cbout is mcrde up ol folks who need an cdditional bathroom in the house; or c modern bath to replcce the cntiqucted one,'or who leel the need oI cr toilet crnd wcshroom downstairs as cn cdditioncl comfort or who hcrve discovered how incdequcrte their closet spqce in the house is qnd wonder how they mcry enlcrrge crnd improve iU who hcrve discovered thct the growing lcmily mcke the sleeping rooms more qnd more incrdequcrte qnd wonder whct they mcy do crbout it; or who hcrven't cr full length mirror in the house, cnd mother cmd growing girls leel the need keenly; or lolks who hcrve worked over qnd mopped and polished the old lloors hundreds of times, crnd do not quite reclize how e<rsily they could be re-covered with something crtlrcrctive; or people who light the moth cnd rocrch evil in their closets crnd would be delighted iI some wise person showed them how they could hcrve cedqr-lined closets lor protection,' or mcybe they cre people who built the old kind of porches yeqrs qgo, thct could be delighilully trcnslormed into modern, cttrcctive porches, by the use oI some idecrs cnd matericls; or it mcry be they cne lolks who scrdly need cr guest room cnd never quite ligured how their spcce could be made to provide one,'perhcps they cre people who hcrve crntiqucrted doors in the house thcrt they would be glcrd to replcce, il properly advis6d,. perhcrps c sun pcrlor would do wonders to certcin houses, etc.

But why keep on? The Lumber Merchcnrt himself ccn qdd enough to this list to lill this entire book, cnd there would still be opportunity lor additions ol wise chcuccter. Theee cre the people who NEED you, Mr. Building Merchcmt.

Then, since there is evidently cr gold mine at your door (not the one in the sky thcrt Bing Crosby hcrs been singins about) it would seem thct the wcry to mcrke your business good is to discover wcrys crnd mesns lor loccting cnd supplying these prospects.

How? Why, in every wcy ct your commcnd, Mr. Building Merchcnt. By eterncl vigilcnrce. By q never-sleeping brc"n. By an ever-crctive notebook. By csking questions gclore, cmd crsking them intelligently. By c liguring pencil thct gete somewhere. By c mqnner crnd method oI <rpprocch thcrt gets you c hecning. By cr displcryed interest in the other lellow thcrt will win his conlidence cnd qdmiratioD.

By Advertising, Soliciting, Displqying, Discerning, Distributing, Disposing ol your goods cnrd service. Don't sit in c ycrd by the side oI the roctd qnd wait for people to come buy something. GO

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