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wlN w $3,000 in 5" wAP LIAII PRtzF^r


AII sth War Loan Drive WINDOW DISPLAY CONTEST photographs must be in the mails not later than lulv 20. Address to:WAR BOND DISPTAYCONTEST, c7o The Display World, 1209 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.

This distinguished jury of five will judge this contest and all decisions will be final: Commander Edward I. Steichen, U.S. Navy, Washington; Walter K. Nield, V.P.,Young & Rubicam, N.Y.C.; Lew Hahn, Gen. Mgr., NRDGA, N.Y.C.; Irma Ericsson, Adv. Mgr., Shulton, Inc., N.Y.C., and R. C. Kash, Editor of Display World, Cincinnati.

All contest photographs must be SxIO and plainly marked on the foce with the name of the store and city-as plans are now being made to prepare an exhibit of all contest photographs for public view in cities throughout the country. Later, this exhibit will become a part of the U.S. Treasury's archives in the history of the financing of World War II.

Rememberl Get your entries in the mails by luly 20. Win or lose, you've earned your Country's thanks. You've backed the attack-you've helped to sell more than before!


Here's the Contest Plan: SPONSORS-The National Association of Display Industries and The Display World. DATE-June 12 to July 8, inclusive.

PRIZES: A grand total oI $3.000 in Sth War Loan Bonds. Identical prizes lor Group I, stores in cities of more than 100,000 population; Group II, for towus urder 100.000.

lst PRIZE.....$5OO

ZndPP.rZE ...$3OO

3rd PRIZE ....$2OO

4th PRIZE.....$1OO

AND I additional $5O prizes

RUIES: t-Each display window must be devoted exclusively to a Sth War Loan display. 2-All photographs must be marked plainly on the back with the naae of the one person se,lecf ed by the sfore to receive the award, il any; and the exacl date and lenqth oI time tbe display was in the wiudow.

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