1 minute read
Africa could produce, and when they lined up for inspection they were a frightening and fierce looking aggregation. Montgomery strode backward and forward looking them over, and then he said:
"Men, I don't know what the Germans are going to think of this regiment, BUT BY GOD YOU SCARE THE HELL OUT OF ME!"
In the Northwest
Jas. Ii. Atkinson, Atkinson-Stutz Co., s1>ending three rveeks in the Northu'est cxl)ects to hc lr:tck:rt his rlt'sk alr,rttt the
San Frcncisco
IT. J3. Cooper, Coopcr u.ere San
San Francisco, is on business. He nriddle of July.
Visitors Cooper l-unr'bcr Co., Portlar-rd, ancl Mrs. ]irancisco visitors las't u'eek.