7 minute read


Order L-ggs

(Continucrl fronr Page .i)

(1) Atry consltnrur tvlro lras lrrevirirrsl-t lrcctr gr:rutr<l arr:rtrtlrorization to rcccivc ltrnrbcr oi liorrrr W l'l:t-36.10. If :r corrsurner h:rs receive<[ an :rutlrorizzttion on liorrrr \\rl'l),-3(i40 for orrc rnrartrr. Irc must continuc to applr'{or authorizations for sulrse<1ue:rt (luartcrs (thouglr his rc<luirctrrcnts rlrolr lrclorv.50,(X)0 boar<l fect) rrrrlt'ss otherrvise notificcl b_v thc \\'ar l)rotluctiotr Iloarrl.

(2) Anv cottstuner rr'lro ('xl)ects tlr:rt lrc rvill rrcetl to rrccivc 50,000 or rnorc boarrl fcct of lunrbcr in a 1r:rrticrrlar <lnartcr for :rll purposcs cxccpt: (i) rqsale; (ii) mirrirrg or srrrcltirrg oper':rtions ior 'rvhich he has bcen assignetl a scrial nurnber unrler lt-5(r; (iii) olrcrations <lirectlf inci<lent to thc discover_r', tlclcloptrcnt, or tltpletiorr of a petroleunr pool as authorizcrl b1'l.'ctroleunr Aclnrinistrative Orcler 11; (ii') farrn olrerations for u'hich Irc nral'gct lunrlrer through the \\rar Foorl Adnrinistration as explaincd in paragraph (1) belorv; and (v) construction jobs rvhich have becn cxlrressl-r' authorizecl b1' the War Production Boarcl or the National Housirrg Agcncl'or anJ' other Federal ager.rcl' that ar-rthorizes construction on behall oi the War Production T']oard.

(f) Separate branches and departments. Ii a consLrllrer has trvo or nrore branches, plants. tlclrartrnents or othcr divisions rvhiclr regularl-r' rrraitrtain se l):Irate ltunlrcr int cntorv recolrls. t:ach t.rf tlrenr is to bc tre atetl :]s a se1)aratc c, insulr(r- iilr l)url)(:)ses of cleterrniiling whcthcr it lnr.lst gct:ut:tuthorization as:r ('lirss I consttrrrrr. Inventories tttav not be split ior tlre l)url)()sc oI cv:rtlirrg this orrlcr.

(g) A consumer required to file Form WPB-3640 may not receive lumber in a quarter unless authorized. Al1' consllrncr rr,ho is rccluired to filc l"orrn Wl'll-3640 but rloes not lilt his:tpplicatiorr arrrl gct;rrr attthoriz:rtion, is iorlrirlrlcn to r-ct:civc:rrr_r, lrrrrrlrcr in thc rluarter for rvhich tltc authoriz:r1ion rvas Irecessarv. 'l'his docs rrot appl,r'to lntttbcr reccivcd for onc Lrf tlrt'rxt:clrtcrl prrrpost's rrrentionecl in l.raragraplr (e ) (2) abovc.

(lr) How receipts are authorized. ,,\pJrlications or [iorrr \\'])ll3(r40 covering rc<luircttterrts irir thc srcorrl:Lrrrl tlrirrl (l11;rrt(,rs,:rs filccl rrnrler tlris orrler lrcforc tlrr: arrrrrrrlnrettt oi Junc 19J'1, rvill ltr rcturnc<1 to t)rc ayrlrlic:urt rvitlr:rrr:Lrrtlrorizaliorr s:r-r'irrt lrolv trrur:lr Ite rrtav rcccivr: rlurirtg'. tlrc thirrl rlr.rartcr. r\pp1ic:rtiotrs for tlrt iourtlr and subse<1uent (iuartcrs rrrar' hc llled rin liorrrr Wl'l'|-36.10 rcviscrl, in accortlattce rr,ith tlre instructions rin that forrrr.

(i) Extent to which authorization can be used. 'l'hc follorvine provisions golcrn ther cxtent to u,hich autlrorizations granterl r.rn Iiorrn \\,-Itll-36:10 can bc usetl:

(1) Quarterly receipts by Class f consumers restricted to amounts authorized. -\ (-lass I corrsurner nlal not ordcr for delivc11" in, or receive in, anl- (luarter (ltesinrring rvith tlr( tliird cluarter oi 19'11) more lumber than the alrount authorizerl on liorln \\'PB-36-+0. This cloes not app1l'to lurnber ordererl or receivecl for thc cxcepted purposes nrentionecl in 1-raragraph (e) (2) abrxe. Lurnltcr orrlercrl for deliver]'irr one rluartcr lrut shippcd cluring the first llrontll ()f the follou-ing (lr.larter rnar' be receir,ctl rvithorrt clrareing it against thc follo$-ine (luartcr's authorization.

(2) Delivery must be ordered for quarter in which authorized. A Class I consunrcr rna,r'orrlcr lurrrlrer only ior rleliycrl- in thc (luartcr in rl'hiclr hc is alrtlrorizcrl to reccivc it. -l'his rlots nrit lrrri- lribit a Class I c()lrsurlcr irriru lrl:rcinu orrlr.rs for ltrnrlrer pririr to thc <luartcr in r-hiclr lrc is autlrorized to reccirc it.

(3) Class I consumers may place certified orders in advance of authorization o,n Form WPB-3640. In ,rrrlrr t() assrlrc tlrc fu1fi1lrrrcrrl of long-tt'rrrr 1)r()grAnrs:Lnrl sclrcrlulcs, Class I t'onsurrrcrs lvlrr arc:rrttlrorizcrl 1o 1rl:rt'c ccrlifit'tl oriiers rrr:Lr'lrl:rct'strclr or<lt:rs f,ir rlcliytr,r'oi lutrrlrcr irr frrtrtr-c,lu:rr-1(r\ in;rn:trrrotrrrt rtot to crcct,rl 50 1;crctnl oI tlre:rrrrorrnt tlrcl arc:rrrtlrorizcrl to rt.cr.irt irr lrrrr crrrrcnt (luarter. 'l'ltcsc orrlt'r. tl:u lrc rirtcrl to llrc txtcrrt tlr:rt tltc person placing thctr llLs rcccivcrl ratirrgs rr,lriclr:rrc llLlirl for rlelivcrr' in fnturr (lLr:r,rtcrs. 'l'lrcst'orrltrs t'il1 lrc sulrjcct lo strclr a(ljustllleltti as nra\'lrc Irtccssarl at tlrc tirrrc llrr \\':rr Protluctiorr [:]oarcl's rluar terlv rlctcrrrrin:rtion rii essential rerluircrlclts is nrarlc.

(4) Additional authorizations and return of authorizations. --\ ('lass I consulncr rr-ho neerls rrrorc lurrrlrcl tlran hc is:rrrthorizecl to rcccivc nta,r' file a sulrlilcrrrent:rrr' :rlrlrlicatirirr on I,'rinr \\"l']ll-.36-10 for an atlditional arrrount. I f lre finrls tlrat lrt r.r'il1 not nee<l as ntuclr lumber:rs authorized, he nrnst notiiv tlrc \\'ar lrrorluction Roarrl itn Forrr \\'PIl-3773 of the anrount ol lurnlrcr hc docs not neecl:rnrl has


2)/o to 5O/o more capacity due to solid edge-to-edge stacking. Better quality drying on low temperatnres with a fast reversibic circulation.

Lower stacking costs-just solid edge-to-edge stacking in the simplest form.

not received and nrust cancel or reduce lris outstanding delivery rirrlers accorrlin gl1'.

(5) Restrictions on Class I consumer's use of ratings to get fabricated wooden products which he can produce. A (.lass I consunrer lnay n()t usc a r:rting- of AA-3 or higher to orrler for deliver]'after Jul-v 31, 1!14-1 falrricaterl u'odcn prorlucts if lrc has the facilitics to rnakc tlre rrr lrirrrself, c-rcept that he rn:ry usc st'rch :r rating to bu1. irr:rtt1-<lrrartcr the s:urrc anlount of arr,v falrric:rtcrI rvoorlen lrro<lucts tlr:rt lrc lrortght rlurirrg thc corresponclinu (luartcr of 1943

(6) Certification of delivery orders and use of ratings. IiverlClass I collsLlllrer rrrust certifl'all his purchasc orrlcrs, sales tickcts, ol otllcr orclers rcrlucsting thc dclivcry or transfcr of lunrber as cxlrlaincrl in lraragral)h (q) bclow. A (,lass f consunrel u'ho has reccilerl a rating to get procluction nraterials for a prorluct nlav use tlrat rating, and onl]'that rating to get lr-rn'rber that hc neecls as a procluctiiin rr)aterial for that procluct. A Class I con-sLrnrer who has a rating hig)rer than -\A-5 I{RO to get rr}aterial for rnaintenance, rcl)air and operating sr-rpplies (including tr{RO shipping material or <lunnage) nrav u,ie it to get lurnber for srrch purposes. If a Class f corrsurner has no rating (or onl1'an AA--5 \,IRO rating) for a part of his operations rvhich requires lumber, he must placc certified but unratecl orders for the lumber u,'hich he neetls for that purpose.

"Class II Consumers" and How They Get Their Lumber

(j) Who a "Class II consumer" is. A "Class IT consunrer" is:

(1) Anv consunter r,vho has a lrreiercnce rating (except AA-5 \lRO) and rvho u.orrl<l have to file an application as a Class I consumcr cxcelrt for the fact that he rvill need less than 50.000 board feet of lunrber in:r calen<lar (luarter. (If, after thc beginning of a (luarter, this t1'1rc of Class TI consumcr frnrls that hc u'ill nced to reccivc 50,(X)0 or trorc boarcl fect of lunrltcr in tlic quarter. hc nrust irrrnrerliatell lilc an application on Fornr WT']II-36-10.)

(2) Anl consnnrer rvho rrceds lunrller (rcr:ardlcss of anrorrnt) for: (i) rnining anrl srtrelting operations for wlric| lrc has been assignerl :L scrial nurrlrer-unrlcr C)rtlcr l'-.56; or (ii) opcratiorrs directll, incirlent to tlrc discor.crr', dcvcloptrrcrrt or rlcplction of a. pctrolcunt 1;ool as authorized b1' Ilctrolcurtr Arltnitristrativc Orde r 11.

(3) .\n-r'corrsLrrncr rvho nccds lnnrlrcr (r'cgarrllcss oI arrrorrnt) [or constrrtction jobs rvlrich lrave bccn cxpresslr- arrt]rorizcrl bv the \\iar l)rorluction lloarrl or thc Natiorral I{ousing,\gcrrc,r'or anv ritlrcr Iicrlcral agcnc-r'tlrat autlrorizes construction orr lrclralf of thc \\'ar I'rorluctiorr Iloard.

(k) Class II consumers must place certified and rated orders. ( lass II cons!lnrcrs clo not, undcr this orcler, file special al)plica- tions for ailtllorit\"to rcccivc lurrrbcr rlnlcss sl)ccificallv rcquiretl to b-v a direction issuetl nnder this orrlcr. Anr Class II consurner u'ho h:rs receiverl a ratirrg to get lrrorluctiorr uritcrials for a plocluct nra-\'u:c that rating anrl onl1'that rating to gct lurnltcr hc nccrls :rs a production material for that lrrocluct. A Class II consunrer rr'ho )ras a ratirq higher than AA-5 IIRO 1rl g.et lnaterial for maintenancc, repair and operating supplics (including \{RO shipping rnatcrial and dur.rnage) rnav use that rating to get lurnber for-such i)urposes. A Class II consumer in placing a certifierl order r.nust ruse his alrliropriate rating ancl endorsc his clelivcrr.orclcr rvith tl.re crrtihcate a: cr1,1aine,1 in lrar:rgraph (q) belolr'. As to anv part of his operations ior rvhich hc does not lravc a ratina.(or onlv an -\-\-.5 llRO ratins) hc is not a C1:rss II consunrer anrl nrar-not yrlace a ccrtifiecl orcler or rtsc;r rating.


(1) War Food Administration regulations. -['hc \\':tr Foorl -,\drrrinistratiorr is anthcirizcrl to lrrovirlc rnlcs atrd rcrulations rr-lriclr rvil) crplain tlrr: u':rr-ilrrrncrs',r'ill sct tlrt'lunrbcr tlurt tlrcv nced ior f:Lrrrr l)url)()ses. 'f lrcsc irrclurlc ()nl-\': (i) rrraintcn:Lncc and repair oi i:rrrrr crltrilrrrrcnt: (ii) rrr;rirrtcnlrrrr't, rr1,;rir- :ut(l ()l)er:rti()lr 6f farnr lrttilrlings (otltcr 1lr:Ln rlu'cllirss); (iii) conslrtrctiorr oI i;rrrrr lrrrilrlinss (otlrcr tlran rll'cllirrqs) uitIirr tlrc cost lirrrits o[ 1r:rr:Lsr:Llrlr (c) of Orrlcr l,--11 : arrrl (iv) construclion oI f:rrrrr lrrrilrlinls (inclrrdins rlucllin!.s) s'lrt'rc lrerrnittcrl urrrlcr pltragralrJr (rl) oi ()rrlcr [,-.{1. A c()nsllnlcr l'lro <1ualifics:rs a fltrrrer rtrrdcr tltcse rcrlttlatiorrs nral lrt pernritttrl t() usc ir ccrtific:rtc :rnrl :L r:rtirrg to grt srrr:lr r1u:rntrties rI lutttlter as thc \\':rr Iiood Adnrirristratiott s:rvs he nral'get. A ianrrcr tttar':rlsri lrrtl'lturrbcr rvithottt a ccrtificatc ()r 1)rcfcreltcc ratin{ to thc sanrc c\tcnt that anvon(,clsc nral rlo so unrler this orrlcr. A rlistrilrutor u'ho rlelir.crs lutnlrer to f:rrnrcrs orr tlre basis rif ccrtificates lrrolitled b1' tlte \\iar [.-oorl .\dnrirrislr:Ltion tnar'. in tLrln, receivr ironr bis sr-rplrlicrs the sanre cluantitr"oi lrrnrlter by ((-ontinued on Paec i4)

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15,206 inq[iries in one month from the first advertisement!

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And for those walls and ceilings that are to be covered with paper or paint, sturdy, inexpensive Weldwood Utility Panels with their extra-heavy gum faces n'ill provide an ideal under-surface.

Forever smooth, they do not develop raised grain-lines to show through wall

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