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tlV 6]a&rlif, Shlul

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BV |ath Sisna

Age not guarantecd---Somc I havc told for 20 ycars---Somc Lcrs

How Those Soldiers Looked

One of the best stories of the war goes back to the dark days when the British, driven back all the way across North Africa, faced the Germans at El Alamein. Frantically Montgomery gathered togethbr every semblance of force and fighting men he could muster to meet the tragic situation. One hastily constructed regiment was the most conglomerate in British history. ft was made up of men of every class, race, color, size, and uniform that Northeastern

Appointed Scles Mcncger

Edgar A. Brorvrt, u'h,, ha- l,ccrt srrlcs t'rrginet'r- ull l)r('fabrication for Ilvans I)rodttcts Companr', l)ortland, Ore. for some time, has been appointed sales nriuragcr of Evuus Products Company, trlolded I'lyu,oocl l)ivision, rvith he:rclqua.rters at 5410 \\'ilshire lJoulevzrrd, Los Angcles.

Mr. Brou.n, u'ho is u'el1 knou'n throughottt Calif,rrnia and the \\rest, t'ill start in his nen'Position Jul-v- 1.

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